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Jiimbo's Achievements

Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. any chance of you adding brimhaven agility course?
  2. can you add brimhaven course support?
  3. at the bank bot gets stuck in checking trident. also gets often stuck in mount and doesnt use the spade.
  4. it doesnt start making tabs just sits around. edit: wasnt on fixed mode that was the problem
  5. so i just bought a gift voucher and put my name for the recipients name and clicked that print option. i received an email but theres no redeem code there. also nothing on the print either. whats wrong here edit: do i have to print the thing?
  6. I'm planning to buy proxies but have few questions. What do you put on these bars on the launcher: proxy host, port, user and pass? Also I'd like to know what kind of proxies I should buy.
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