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RoundBox last won the day on May 25 2021

RoundBox had the most liked content!

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  1. Mirror mode 4-6 Comfortably - RAM being your limiting factor, not your CPU. Stealth, like 15-20
  2. RoundBox

    Zulrah kc

    Hey mate, depending how many KC you want, I can help you with that. One of my favourite bosses. My discord is Bryc e#8271
  3. Not using Mirror Mode. You need to purchase VIP
  4. It will move to the "expired" section of the account bans. The 2 day ban is a permanent record on the account. It is unlikely that even after 1 year. you would get another chance. certainly not worth risking
  5. I'll message you about 7 hours from now when I get home from work
  6. Check out rule 8. Gives you all the information you require I should point out that I do appreciate what you are trying to do for the community.
  7. I might be wrong but I don't think you can get feedback for non value orders (i.e ones you didn't take payment for). Could be wrong though.
  8. No it does not. The MS increase/Decrease is how quickly the game state updates on the mirror client, therefore affecting the speed in which information is received by the script to act on. The easiest way to visualise this is set the reaction speed high. set the client and official client side by side. Teleport somewhere and see how long the client takes to show the new location.
  9. From my experience, most websites won't buy orders less than 50M (from about 6 I contacted in the past this was the case). This is also about 18 months ago, I rarely sell gold now so I don't know what the appetite for GP is atm
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