yo my name is dark, looking for a free netflix account (pm me one please and thanks!) no i ain't lazy i did use something called "google" all of them are surveys all full of bullshit. so if yo a cool pm me one
been waiting for more than a day for yoloswag do my torso servis :@ he answers after 5 hrs ffs not even funny...worst market seller everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
i think yoloswag worker is scamming me, he said hes getting me torso, i gave him acc details he wont answer hes still logged in and yoloswas aint answering :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i knew it
got to 95 wc lol nearly 99 20m made 5m loss to lazy to transfer the night before it got banned. lol that what happen to lazy ass people. lol lol lolol
lol never going to be lazy again.