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Everything posted by Isolate

  1. Title. Range each: 100k-75k Would prefer couple days cooldown, I'd be happy the higher end for more of a guarantee against locks. Looking to buy from someone who understands how to bypass the locks, I do, and I don't want to buy from someone who wont guarantee fewer locks.
  2. Think i've seen more hours of anime than hours at school, wouldn't say I'm a massive weeb, like if you don't like anime so be it, each to their own, I just find the emotion better when I don't have to have the expectation of a real person faking it.
  3. Narrowing it down to one is unfair Black butler, Darker Than Black, Psycho Pass, Future Diary, K Project, Death Note, Charlotte, any of the Certain X RailGun Series are some nice ones IMO, generally a tad dark but eh. Getting a howls moving castle half sleeve finished next month hopefully
  4. getWalking().walk(Area); getWalking().webWalk(Area);
  5. Isolate

    OSB Plugin

    I mean osbuddy is just a non automated client like this... you can just get someone here to make it ez pz....
  6. Since this is spam i'm going to give my opinion even though it wasn't asked for :3 Yes this is possible, and it should be rather easy for anyone who has any kind of auto farm which is supposedly half the community here.
  7. Just use a mouselistener to get the click, compare positions to determine human or bot click, then get all the mobs in that area and their models and see if the click was in any of the model bounds
  8. Fun Fact: I hardly show code to anyone, devs aside maybe 5-10 people have ever seen my code xD (obvious reasons) Mmm, Don't do as much around here as I used to, saves deleting all my code to clear space Wintertodt https://hastebin.com/otuzequmik.java Wildy Looter With Death Dection/Timer/SmartLooting(Kinda) https://hastebin.com/fomobefuca.java Clue Scrolls (add tabs yourself now the walker does them Main https://hastebin.com/ivudeyusin.java Data <-- memorable weekend https://hastebin.com/afekutobud.js Foobar https://hastebin.com/uvayukecul.scala Prayer/Guilded Altar https://hastebin.com/izaburulun.java Tanner https://hastebin.com/epicusexan.java The Age old dark miner https://hastebin.com/eqeyoxevux.java Dark NMZ https://hastebin.com/osuveguvis.java Anything else wanted ask and I'll see if I have it, got 4 years worth of scripts laying around... Edits: Something that gets amulets blessed in edge prayer place..? https://hastebin.com/omecuvucuj.java Presumeably smelts gold jewlery, change keywords to adapt. https://hastebin.com/jezamebici.java Makes some kinda dough https://hastebin.com/yogugelihi.java
  9. I remember the last time this came up as a public discussion :feelsbadman:
  10. I would agree with it being a combo of flagged ip + (since you used a flagged ip we will super scrutinize every fraction of an action your account makes in real time) because if I used random accounts from my bulk list and do them manually they don't seem to care, but any 1 of 3 tut island bots I have made by various people all get hit around the prayer dude
  11. Been snooping other forums, they've had similar issues... but not within the last 2-3 weeks.... and even as old as the later months of last year Everyone seems to jump straight at the throat of the proxies used but it still stands as to if those connections are flagged, why let them go through the process of creating them at all and maybe sneaking some through instead of blocking that ip 100%
  12. My testing also disagrees with this logic. I wrote my stats on the first page.
  13. 1 Locked botted after finishing tut Island (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation) 1 Locked botted mid tut island (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation) 1 Locked after tut through mirror mode on legit client ~ 3 mins (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation) 1 not locked after creating legit and doing legit through legit client 1 not locked doing legit through legit client (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation) 1 locked botted mid tut island (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation) 1 not locked, legit through osbot client (Account from 1,100 bulk account generation) I know the stats aren't there to back it up, but this isn't looking good for the client methods (in order) doing random tests
  14. sec, got one that's updated to the actual osrs background edit: Mega Download
  15. it should be something physically pressing against your cpu with a metal plate and some thermal paste between it. If that doesn't ring any bells I think you're having temp issues
  16. Stock cooler or no cooler on this thing
  17. if you're sure it's not overheating how does your PSU compare to everything you've put in there? It's not safe to go as close to a PSU calculator as you can because that'd be enough to turn it on, but the moment it needs more power draw than it can get it'll just turn off
  18. 1. Imma dispute token and say that if they wanted they could tell, but that doesn't warrant a ban so it's no issue. (This one ^ Is a matter of opinion, and this is my opinion, based on things i've heard) 2. most bots usually keep up to date, any new innovations are quickly spread across the board just re-branded 3. You'd need alot of custom api to come anywhere close to undetectable, which few people do. 4. Just fancy naming for Reflection/Injection method used by nearly all bots.
  19. All require an @Override (forums "tagging" system screw up what i'm trying to write >_>) like
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