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Everything posted by BurritoBug

  1. ye uninstalling the osbot.jar should work
  2. is allg, was just linking it incase u didnt see it
  3. also hes selling gp, not buying. as long as you dont go first i dont see the problem
  4. i smoke weed, i enjoy it, i dont have any apparel
  6. fuck u my seagull killer is the best i will rape u 2 death m8 stealing my shit yo kidding ily
  7. BurritoBug

    Okabe's GFX

    oo nice style my fren
  8. haha ty finally got a new account to script on
  9. ty, i tried checking if a game object was below me before i drop it but i kept getting npe's
  10. SentyChompys a chompy bird killer Download: http://uppit.com/ti1v6btak00u/SentyChompys.jar >wear ogre bow and ogre arrows >walk 2 the place in image >gimme bugs >scripters pls tell me anywhere i went retard package sentychompys; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import java.awt.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Chatbox; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; @ScriptManifest(name = "SentyChompys", author = "Sentende", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "") public class SentyChompys extends Script { // NPCS int npcSwampToad = 1473; int npcChompyBirdAlive = 1475; int npcChompyBirdDead = 1476; // OBJECTS int objSwampBubbles = 684; int objBloatedToad = 1474; // ITEMS int itemOgreBellowsZero = 2871; int itemOgreBellowsThree = 2872; int itemOgreBellowsTwo = 2873; int itemOgreBellowsOne = 2874; int itemBloatedToad = 2875; int itemOgreArrow = 2866; int itemOgreBow = 2883; // AREA Area areaChompyArea = new Area(2392, 3048, 2402, 3039); // TIMER private long timeBegan; private long timeRan; private enum State { FILL_BELLOWS, CATCH_TOAD, PLACE_TOAD, KILL_CHOMPY, IDLE }; private State getState() { /* KILL CHOMPY */ if (npcs.closest(npcChompyBirdAlive) != null){ return State.KILL_CHOMPY; } /* PLACE TOAD */ else if(getInventory().contains(itemBloatedToad) && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving()){ return State.PLACE_TOAD; } /* CATCH TOAD */ else if(!getInventory().contains(itemBloatedToad) && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving() && bellowsEmpty() != true) { return State.CATCH_TOAD; } /* FILL BELLOWS */ else if(bellowsEmpty() && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !myPlayer().isMoving()) { return State.FILL_BELLOWS; } return State.IDLE; } @Override public void onStart() { timeBegan = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public void onExit() { //Code here will execute after the script ends } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch(getState()){ case KILL_CHOMPY: killChompy(); break; case PLACE_TOAD: placeToad(); break; case CATCH_TOAD: catchToad(); break; case FILL_BELLOWS: fillBellows(); break; default: break; } return 100; } public void killChompy() throws InterruptedException { if(inventory.isItemSelected()) { mouse.click(false); } if(!npcs.closest(npcChompyBirdAlive).isOnScreen()) { camera.toEntity(npcs.closest(npcChompyBirdAlive)); } npcs.closest(npcChompyBirdAlive).interact("Attack"); sleep(random(80, 150)); new ConditionalSleep(4000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return (myPlayer().getInteracting().getId() != npcChompyBirdAlive); } }.sleep(); } public void placeToad() { inventory.interact("Drop", itemBloatedToad); if(this.chatbox.contains(Chatbox.MessageType.GAME, "There is a bloated toad already placed at this location.")) { walking.walk(areaChompyArea.getRandomPosition()); } new ConditionalSleep(4000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return (!getInventory().contains(itemBloatedToad)); } }.sleep(); } public void catchToad() { if(! npcs.closest(npcSwampToad).isOnScreen()) { camera.toEntity(npcs.closest(npcSwampToad)); } inventory.interact("Use", getOgreBellowsId()); npcs.closest(npcSwampToad).interact(getOgreBellowsString() + "Swamp toad"); mouse.click(false); new ConditionalSleep(4000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return (getInventory().contains(itemBloatedToad) || !myPlayer().isMoving()); } }.sleep(); } public void fillBellows() { if(! objects.closest(objSwampBubbles).isOnScreen()) { camera.toEntity(objects.closest(objSwampBubbles)); } inventory.interact("Use", getOgreBellowsId()); objects.closest(objSwampBubbles).hover(); mouse.click(false); if(this.chatbox.contains(Chatbox.MessageType.GAME, "I can't reach that!")) { walking.walk(areaChompyArea.getRandomPosition()); } new ConditionalSleep(4000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return (!bellowsEmpty()); } }.sleep(); } public boolean bellowsEmpty() { return getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsZero); } public int getOgreBellowsId() { if(getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsThree)) { return itemOgreBellowsThree; } else if (getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsTwo)) { return itemOgreBellowsTwo; } else if (getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsOne)) { return itemOgreBellowsOne; } else if (getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsZero)) { return itemOgreBellowsZero; } else { log("Inventory contains no Ogre Bellows"); return 0; } } public String getOgreBellowsString() { if(getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsThree)) { return "Use Ogre bellows (3) -> "; } else if (getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsTwo)) { return "Use Ogre bellows (2) -> "; } else if (getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsOne)) { return "Use Ogre bellows (1) -> "; } else if (getInventory().contains(itemOgreBellowsZero)) { return "Use Ogre bellows -> "; } else { log("Inventory contains no Ogre Bellows"); return ""; } } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { Graphics2D gr = g; timeRan = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeBegan; g.drawString("Time: " + ft(timeRan), 10, 60); g.drawString("State: " + getState().toString().replace('_', ' '), 10, 75); } private String ft(long duration) { String res = ""; long days = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration); long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(duration) - TimeUnit.DAYS.toHours(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration)); long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(duration) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(duration)); long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(duration) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(duration)); if (days == 0) { res = (hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds); } else { res = (days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds); } return res; } }
  11. im in the process of building a big farm, i dont get bans
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