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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Varc

  1. - Kendrick

    - Joey bada$$

    - Logic (Would be STEEZ he had bags of potential but he's dead bruh)


    I think Kendrick is the best at the moment but Joey has the potential to be better in the future. Logic is just a boss and his freestyles are sick.


    Who are yours?

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  2. The bans can vary depending on your previous offences + what and where you are botting also and for what period of time. Looks like your IP is flagged so i wouldn't advise botting on any of your other accounts or they will probably suffer the same fate! Bad luck bud.

  3. Eh 3msh maybe depending on mem days maybe


    - Will have a bond on the account

    - Should be completed in a day, 2 at most if i'm being lazy.

    - Probably sell with between 7-12 days membership on it depending on demand.


    Still around 3m or higher or lower would you say?


    I am thinking about creating these in bulk and would think i could easily do 5 a week.

  4. How much would an account with the following quests cost: 

    - Death Plateau

    - Fight Arena

    - The grand tree

    - Tree gnome village

    - Waterfall quest


    No stats trained besides requirement quests. 


    *Apologies if this is not the correct section it is not something i want making just account build i am thinking of creating and selling and am curious of what price it would go for.

  5. I understand the rules perfectly well, and abide by them at all times.

    It's the Staff who don't seem to understand, or even have taken the time to read, the rules.

    They're constantly making assumptions and trying to put words in my mouth.


    As for the racism, I've never said anything that discriminates against any minority or race.


    If I don't believe I should be penalized for something, I will literally never stop arguing.

    I'm not going to let this go, or anything else.


    If I eventually get banned, it won't be for breaking the rules, it will be because the Staff are too corrupt and biased to allow me to stay.


    I am not going to get in an argument with you on the forums as then i am just feeding you. However i stand by what i say you deserve to be banned. So here is my final post to you.


    The moderators are not corrupt and if you had been around the forums more than 3 weeks you might understand that they actually devote a hell of a lot of time to this community. They are merely telling you to follow the guidelines. It is their job what part of that can you not understand? It keeps the forums in check and they are giving you some advice for future reference and i'm sure they are far more clued up about the rules than you are otherwise they wouldn't be the rank that they are. You should give moderators some respect as they are what keep the forums up and running and will deal with your dispute if you get scammed by somebody. So just keep that in mind.


    As for the racism there was a thread made the other day by Muffins where you clearly used the term 'Negro' whether you meant it as a derogatory term or not it may still be deemed offensive. Although you got away with that just last night you were throwing the word 'Nazi' around saying they are great and that you abuse cats and just generally baiting and flaming people. Some people find these sort of things offensive. I suggest if you want to stick around these forums you stop being so immature and offensive towards people otherwise you wont't be a part of the community much longer.

  6. I don't understand why this kid isn't banned yet. All he does is flame people in the chatbox and use racist remarks and now he's arguing/publicly insulting moderators on the forums when he clearly does not understand the guidelines. I don't even care if i get warning points this kid is a cunt and needs to be banned.

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  7. Jagex have said time and time again rares will never hold any real value and on each holiday event in osrs they will continue to make them available to players through holiday events. So no they will never be worth what they are in RS3, not even close.

  8. It was mine and my gf's 2 year anniversary on the 12th so i had already spent up by yesterday, i got her some chocolates which i ended up eating, and got a load of shit off her for not getting her flowers so didn't get blowed in the morning. Other than that it went gr8 dry.png

  9. Why did you even started? I'm not smoking for over 23 years lmao doge.png


    Why everyone else starts, thought it looked cool when i was younger at parties then i gradually moved up to smoking a few a day then it escalated into addiction and like 15-20 a day

  10. I'm proud of you man, I despise smoking. My parents smoked in the car with me and in the house with me and I couldn't breathe. I have a very strong passion to try to get people to quit smoking. Contact me at 1 month without a cigarette, I'd like to talk to you about it. I've been trying to get my parents to quit for over 10 years now.


    Thanks a lot man! Appreciate all of the support. Something just clicked for me and I hope the same happens for your parents because it is a horrible habit and does nothing but harm you and worse, others around you. I shall be getting in touch in a few more weeks smile.png

  11. Thanks guys hopefully i'll live a lil bit longer now tongue.png

    I'm proud of you, and I hope you can find weight to those words. Breaking an addiction such as smoking to me is an honorable thing, because you're not only helping yourself but you're also benefiting the people around you by making better decisions as far as your healtharrow-10x10.png is concerned. There are people within my family that have been smoking for years and have had multiple heart attacks/lung cancer, and seeing them still light up despite everything is truly hard to watch. I respect you for trying to quit, and I am glad you're becoming more and more active just remember that in order to fill that void you must replace it with something else and I think football was a great choice! I'll be praying that you can continue down the road of quitting, and if anything just know you have some random guy on OSBot cheering you on biggrin.png.


    This brought a tear to the eyes brother! Yeah I've realised that there is much more to it than just causing harm to myself. It will also cause pain to my kids in the future and surely they may then follow in my footsteps and I wouldn't want that at all. Even after a couple of days I could smell the smoke on people and I was just thinking to myself "wow I must of smelt like that at one point" it really did open my eyes. I feel a hell of a lot better for it and I appreciate the support man biggrin.png

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  12. It's been exactly a week since I last had a cigarette and I am pretty proud of myself considering I have gone from a solid 15-20 cigarettes a day over the past 4 years to fully quitting. I vaped for the first couple of days but then thought if i'm going to replace one addiction with another what is the point so I stopped using that also. The first 3 days were awful I was getting pretty bad headaches from nicotine deprivation and I wasn't much fun to be around but now I feel better for it already! Hoping I will carry on with this as I've recently started playing football again and that was the wake up call I needed really. I was the most unfit I have ever been and coughing my lungs up after 5 mins of running around.


    Anyways just thought I would share this with any of you who may give a shit biggrin.png


    Currently at: 1 month without a cigarette!

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