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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Varc

  1. Welcome mate hope you enjoy your stay and gl with the rebuild we have plenty of scripts that can allow you to make some gains, check the script list in the client and see what you fancy!

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  2. Welcome brother, there are many night owls lurking on this site i'm sure you will always find somebody to talk to! Join the chat box if you have any queries or just want a chat!

  3. Yeah yeah i know i shouldn't bot on my main but i thought i was good because i was only going to bot for like 2 hours and babysit. But what do ya know i am perm banned. I am super butthurt. Well there is nothing i can do but appeal it, any chance you think i will get my baby back? The ban hammer is fucking all my friends lol.


    Won't hurt to appeal it, however your chances are slim. Bad luck bro.

  4. I read a theory that believed something along the lines that Jagex were able to detect whether you were logged in on a botting client due to your cookies? They would be able to identify cookies from their actual website along with osbuddy then any others that appeared would show them that the user was using a botting client. Probably not the case but an interestig theory all the same.

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