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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Varc

  1. I'm looking for unlimited amount of money, untraceable.


    Oh and I don't want to work for it.


    Help me pls


    Why act like a dick? The community needs new members, saying shit like that will just send them to a different site and OSB will continue to die.

    • Like 1
  2. If you bot a account fresh from its creation you are not likely to last long before getting banned. If I was you I would just do some quests to make it look like you are actually playing the account before you bot on it. Use different breaks and change what you are botting etc etc. If you don't want to lose the account then don't bot on it is the best advice I can give you. If you are finding that your accounts are getting banned then your IP may be flagged and you might want to look into getting a proxy. GL :)

  3. My replies are always atleast a sentence long. I'm pretty sure I've never just posted "oh" lol. Prob like once or twice. At the end of the day - It's only POST COUNT. It's nothing, few pixels on the screen. I just like to be interactive with users and love having communication with so many members.


    I pointed this out on the veteran requirements thread the other day, don't just say it's a few pixels when you posted this on the thread http://gyazo.com/1e8795bc2513fd0f0240cac422fab638 you clearly want it and all your shit posting is worthless to the community, you have a twc so just give up now amigo you ain't getting no vet rank and frankly why should you? Nothing you post is of any worth to the community. You are just getting on everybody's tits.

  4. I've been botting my zerker for the past 2 weeks, 6-8 hours a day with varied breaks in various different skills (using free scripts might I add) as long as you are smart with the way you bot and you make sure the account doesn't just look like a throwaway you will be fine in most cases.

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  5. Just because others do something means it's ok for you to do it?

    And no one can prove he tried selling it, lol.


    From personal experience I've never had a phone which was stolen returned to me, and I have returned a phone I found to a person before just for them to get all up in my face accusing me of stealing it, people are assholes so if you can't beat them join them I guess.


    I'm assuming as he's from the UK he tried trading it in at CeX, it would of come up straight away that the phone is blocked therefore has been stolen. If this happens they have to alert the police and pass on the info (My friend is a manager at one of the stores) To trade anything in there you have to have a membership card which has your name, postcode and home address so they can prove he tried selling it.

  6. I see you live in Leeds so I'm not even slightly surprised you swiped it, just got to think would a person give you your phone back if you lost it? In most cases no. Plus if the police were called and the phone can be tracked they will know that you tried to sell it, damage Is done already really.

  7. Basically I paid for 7m 07 at $2.80 per mill which was $19.60. Then he started asking me to buy more, when I refused he said he would refund me as he was worried about chargebacks. I wasn't happy with this but I agreed, then he deleted me from Skype and now won't accept my requests. All of the evidence is below as you can see I have paid him, if I need to give anymore evidence just let me know. I either want him to refund the money or give me the 07 gp, I doubt he will but at least he can get banned and not do this to anybody else. Thanks.













  8. if you want to stake, avoid any quests that give prayer xp. if you are looking to pk avas is pretty essential, Horror from the deep also (however this does give attack and str xp i believe). Along with this i would do biohazard so you have access to ogre cages which are pretty afk and good xp from like 50-70. Of course if you want to chin you will have to do grand tree, tree gnome village and start monkey madness, however this will give you some attack and strength xp so if your heart is set on keeping attack and str at 1 then avoid any quests which i have already mentioned that give xp for them. Mith gloves will be essential if you do however decide to become more of a hybrid account, however vambs are better on a range pure, gl bud tongue.png

  9. most people seem to love dem ghetto asses, I mean you can smack that ass, bite that ass, do whatever the fuck you want to it. Sure as hell looks good in doggy. A decent pair of tits look good but I cant do much with them things other than watch them bob up and down like one them boy things in the sea, can have a cheeky nibble on them nips if the girl aint a nun. Point im tryna make 50% of men nowadays have tits man I can go out on a hot day and see them double D's floating around on all genders. Dem ghetto asses tho, that shits hard to come by, some sort of holy grail hype

  10. First off, calm the fuck down you sound like an asshole and an idiot. Second of all,


    It was a general rant at Americans using incorrect terms. Plus this is a forum I am free to voice my opinion, if you don't want me flipping out use the correct terms smile.png smile.pngsmile.png smile.png  

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