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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Varc

  1. Get a lot of new members coming in the Chat Box confused about how to add scripts so here is a quick, simple guide.


    - Firstly open the client (Ensure you have downloaded the client from our website and our website only).


    - Secondly ensure you are signed into the client, the sign in details used for the client match your forum log in and password.


    - Thirdly click the play button located at the top of the client -  8352b12f71d23888fbfe4578cb5c9af5.png


    - Next this should appear 




    When this screen appears the main tab is where the scripts you have added will be (this is where you will start your scripts)


    - To add scripts move over to the 'Browse' tab. A list of scripts should appear like this




    - You can change the settings to narrow down what script you are looking for. For example combat + slaying, crafting, mining and so on. Along with this you can toggle if you are looking for 'free' or 'premium scripts'.


    - Finally when you find a script you like simply click 'add' and the script will be added back to your 'main' list where you simply click 'start' and are good to go!




    - If you want extra information regarding any of the scripts simply click the 'info' button and you will be directed to the scriptwriter's thread on the forum where you can find out features of the script or just what other people think of it!


    - If you click 'buy' on any premium scripts you will first be directed to our store where you will have to purchase the script. When going back to the 'browse' section the option to 'add' will be available and then just like free scripts the script will be added to your 'main'.


    I hope this was of use to anybody struggling, feel free to shoot me a pm for any further help or come into the Chat Box.




    • Like 6
  2. I really rarely use it, it's not really for the nicotine. In a weird way, I'm addicted to just having that burning feeling when you inhale. It calms me down somehow more than the nicotine itself.


    Yeah man half the addiction for me was sucking on something (Nothing sexual intended lol),

  3. I got one of the vaporizers, or e-cigs, whatever you want to call them, and have had no desire to smoke a cigarette since. 


    And Congratulations! xD


    Thank you! Yeah i started with one of them but felt replacing one addiction with another wasn't the right way to go about it for me personally. Glad you have also given up ^_^

  4. and i'm here like 670px-Smoke-a-Cigarette-Step-8.jpg


    Don't play me like that, looks tasty but no i shall refrain from indulging in such things ;) 

    now contact maldesto


    btw good job mate


    I did not see these, thanks mate <3


    I'm honestly very proud of you my friend.

    As a Straight Edge person myself (no drugs, smoking or drinking) and with a lot of friends that do either of those things, I know how hard it is to stop smoking.

    I'm really really really proud of you my friend and you've been promoted from Varcunt to Varc.

    Respect my friend!


    Now contact Mald


    Thanks mate didn't see this i guess it is time to contact his highness :mald: 

    I made it 10 days last time and died the entire time, finally snapped and smoked one, and congrats m8 made me wnt to quit more!


    ty brother

  5. i didnt mean on here or anywhere else. i was just suggesting that REAL gold farmers write there own scripts.


    Ik Ik it was more aimed at the creator of the thread so they could see it is against the rules ^_^

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