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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Varc

  1. @rekt m8 was given a lot of help regarding 'getting to the volcano' in the chat, he was trolling everybody, i warned him to stop being a nuisance and also kicked him, i didn't want to ban over something so petty but maybe i should of done.  must of killed him to get some sort of revenge as he was offering rekt help and rekt continued to try and be a troll. The whole conversation happened in the past 30 mins within the chat box.

  2. Pandemic is often associated with panic, like a petrol pandemic where there is a lack of petrol for example everybody panic buys. Pride is of course to with you being a proud person, wearing your heart on your sleeve is a term often associated with pride. I don't think the two of them go well together at all in any arrangement. Maybe if you gave us an insight into what the name is supposed to represent we might be able to give you some suggestions ^_^

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