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Everything posted by LeBron

  1. Refund completed. I'll be home from work in 13h and ready to refund you 15M.
  2. That's not Divica though, it's your own responsibility to add the correct person. Just click my signature --> Go to Divica's site from his thread --> live chat and you're safe.
  3. 500M is roughly ~$800 worth. He/She makes that in a few hours probably.
  4. That is a very large amount and I STRONGLY suggest you take it to a gold merchant like Divica who makes a living from buying/selling gold. Yes, you'll get 10-20 cents less per million but at least you'll take 0% chance of getting scammed.
  5. Aw, well it's something! I'm sure he'll upload the .060 if people are complaining about .061
  6. MGI released 1.060 and I dl'd it right away, he removed DL link and fixed some stuff and released .61 in its place it seems. Thanks for the heads up, won't dl newest one.
  7. 3h proggy on a fresh lvl 3 without pots with the new faster interactions, pretty awesome and surprised(about the speed)!
  8. LeBron

    SOTM Ideas

    Correct. Let's say I win the bidding war at 5M: I want cloudy mountains with a T-Rex coming at me (the observer) and my name "LeBron" in the corner. I know there's a section for buying signature you silly goose but I thought it'd be a nice way for you to collect some money for the winner as well.
  9. LeBron

    Some Zen Scripts

    100 hours a day? Bruh... PM @Maldesto (you can click his name) about it.
  10. LeBron

    Some Zen Scripts

    Good start, register 3 days ago and already flaming one of OSBot's Top Scripters, that'll get you far, speaking of arrogance lol. Why don't you stop being a leech and BUY the scripts that people put TIME into making, they dn't spawn on trees you know. EDIT: If they aren't there, he took em down, why? PM him and find out.
  11. LeBron

    SOTM Ideas

    Assuming SOTM stands for Signature of the Month: Day 1-2: Bidding war Day 2-9: Submit your siggies Day 9-30: Polls open for voting Allow people to be late with reporting signature but it would be their *potential* loss since most people will have already voted (I know you can change your vote). IDEA 2: Allow people to "order" a SOTM. Like, me and Khaleesi both want a siggy made for us, whoever bids the highest will win the bidding, let's say I win and I want something with dragons and cartoon-theme and that'll be the theme the SOTM guys will make and winner gets the money + glory of winning and I get like 5 signatures, lol.
  12. Why EDIT: Read previous posts.
  13. Welcome home brother! Nothing like playing CS with 5 ping
  14. Happens to me too sometimes, just close it and try again.
  15. Waiting until the 23rd till his refund of my refund has cleared (PayPal policy to take 3-5 business days). Refundception.
  16. My boy @Making Rice could probably make you some, I've notified him to add you on Skype
  17. Ah, alright mate. Oh well just be careful and only accept RSGP and you'll be fine
  18. Who created the accounts with emails, you or him? If it's you then you're good to go, otherwise your idea would probably be the safest way.
  19. Well, you could call up his family and tell em what their kid is doing or simply, call the cops. Pretty sure it's illegal. Dood IRL was supposed to buy me shit from USA when he was visiting (Im from Sweden), waited 3 months and he didnt give me jack shit so I called his dad and explained the situation and he shat his pants and paid up. Next step was to take the 2h drive and kick his ass. Divinity was mad AF at me last night, probably decided it'll be fun to mess with my signature. So petty. I haven't touched it and shit doesn't just change by itself EDIT: Fixed :P
  20. He's in TWC because of this I think. Also, paying 25m per guthan rdy acc sounds tasty, 70-70-70 accounts are going for 10M, what else does a guth-rdy account need?
  21. If someone can find his IRL adress, pls
  22. Well, my friend. You missed one important thing in your research - ALWAYS use the mirror client. The ban rates are so much lower with it thus your accounts will last a lot longer. Regarding a refund, that's not a legitimate reason for one I'm afraid, but you could try to get one.
  23. Big time gold farmers/merchanters pay like 1.4-1.6 so his rates aren't bad compared to them.
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