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Everything posted by LeBron

  1. That wildy script looks dope, nice one @ProjectPact
  2. I'm not very good at it but basically you start bots using CMD, but even there you type in account login, password and which script to use (with what settings), proxy or no proxy and then you press enter and an osbot client will start up automatically and do whatever you put in CMD. You can read more about it here:
  3. Whats your atk/str lvl? Can do 6gp/xp defence and 15 gp/xp magic. Supplies on me
  4. Thanks, was just about to post. This didn't happen in 2.5 if that helps
  5. Sure. I've done this many times over the years and I've never had my main banned for it.
  6. ^ What they said. ABS will give you the most bang for your buck
  7. ~300M at least with your FB. Good luck selling
  8. I highly doubt it, if anything it'd decrease it since your account will look more legit.
  9. Be careful with the no prayer cape, I've heard some streamers saying it's against the rules nowadays
  10. Highly unlikely but possible, I've seen posts of jmods saying if your account benefits from the botting you'll be banned.
  11. Hammer. All the bots at sand crabs use it, they can't all be wrong. Flawless logic
  12. Hi. Whats your skype and what do you need? 75 att 70 def and 85 str to?
  13. Can you please make it pass the Wilderness warning pop up? The only way to get rid of it is to visit the wilderness like 10 times until that "Don't display this warning" sign pops up and if you have a few accounts it's annoying to get rid of on all of them by hand.
  14. If you get caught and they investigate your main will be banned. This is unlikely though unless a big streamer exposes u or some shit lol
  15. Post how many you have and price please
  16. You're gonna sell those for cash before you get the crafting requirement lol
  17. But I want ChrisDragons Thanks for the replies.
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