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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Realist

  1. about time lmao that guy is the definition of scum. scammed me for like 10M 2 years ago thought i'd be on his vid
  2. Can do $1.27 via UK BY
  3. Chinese guys are watching this behind me in the library -.-
  4. a while being how long? i've been using a normal acc for 3+ years and only once been called about gift payments, nothing since
  5. Unless you're a business acc I'm guessing?
  6. If you can negotiate price add my skype can take all
  7. if they're a random grey with no feedback/history on any other forum i think they'd be more than willing to do that (if they have good intentions that is)
  8. PayPal is 100% fine if you're buying & selling from/with trusted users, you'd have nothing to worry about i think the best way to not get chargebacked is prevention, so you'd ask them for proof of ID sent via their PP e-mail so they can't claim they didn't authorise the payment (also don't sell huge amounts to people you don't trust 1000%)
  9. chain? he can bot 1+ without VIP? ;o OT; try different things, different methods etc don't do obvious stuff
  10. still need? add my Skype; Ramozey
  11. What is your opinion on corporate firms e.g. Starbucks tax evading ? or any of these firms; http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/ethicalcampaigns/taxjusticecampaign/taxavoidancerankings.aspx for that matter?
  12. bruh you even copied my gyazo
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