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Trade With Caution
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  1. Zoo

    Buy 50m

    I can do this. What payment method? Add my discord Zoo#0916 Edit: I can also do .73/m
  2. I can do this. Can you hit up my Discord Zoo#0916 to talk about it?
  3. Zoo


    Added you on Disc
  4. It doesn't matter if you're on the same computer as long as the IP is different. (So no)
  5. Btw here's the video he sent https://imgur.com/zEMEyhP
  6. The user @Manga95 offered to sell me gold and suggested we use a middle man. He was adamant that we use Juggles even though he has a %2 fee. He said he would cover the fee. Then he added me to a discord convo with him and "Juggles". I checked the Discord name and it wasn't the real Juggles. Obviously it was a pretty low tier scam, but I figured I should go ahead and report it in case he manages to run across someone new to the forums or something. Fake Juggles The user's Discord Him confirming his Discord
  7. My pleasure. Just to make sure - the reqs are 50 construction 40 magic right?
  8. I'm going to work an account to loan you rn!
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