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  1. I finally got a 2 day ban on my main after like 3 weeks of 12 hr day botting. I came back to the game to play with some buddies after quitting the OG game & maxxed a main (99 str, att, & defense) before the 2 day ban, pretty decent script.
  2. Ranged level: 85 Defence level 1 HP & Pray levels: 77/43 Have you added my skype? yes i've purchased a cape service, however i'm still waiting for it to be completed. Completed In a timely fashion without any errors. Definitely recommend this service to anyone looking to complete a maxed account of any type who can't be asked to do it themselves. Saved me plenty of time & money in the long run, Thanks!
  3. Hey bro I just purchased your herblore script a bit ago & everything I start the grinding process of birds nests the bot simply logs out. I've tried starting it without anything in my inventory, starting it with some nests in my inventory, starting it with a pestle & mort in my inventory, ect. Nothing seems to be fixing the problem. Here's the script log error: [INFO][02/10 04:36:47 PM]: Started script : Perfect Herblore [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:20 PM]: --------------- 1[Item=233]x[1][Item=5070]x[27]--------------- 2 [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:20 PM]: Go bank plox [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:20 PM]: Option for [Grand Exchange booth] is [Bank] [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:22 PM]: Go bank plox [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:22 PM]: Depositing all 1 [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:22 PM]: event_init() [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:22 PM]: Executing! DEPOSIT [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:24 PM]: finished [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:26 PM]: Go bank plox [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:26 PM]: Ran out of items: true. [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:28 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Herblore... [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 04:37:28 PM]: Script Perfect Herblore has exited! Any feedback as soon as possible would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  4. 10 tiles away give or take. Also, check my edit above ^
  5. It had a frog in inventory but didnt run to place it, got stuck on its way I believe? Sat there & let it run for a few minutes to see if it'd unstick itself but after a bit I just canceled the script & finished Chompy myself. Edit: It's currently now stuck on the silver bar crafting stage of Shadow of The Storm: [INFO][Bot #2][02/06 03:49:56 AM]: java.lang.NullPointerException at i.nB.g(am:271) at api.AUx.A(mh:132) at api.AUx$$Lambda$497/32160979.accept(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source) at api.AUx.g(mh:5) at api.cOM5.g(xl:224) at l.con.g(si:165) at api.aux.A(wk:208) at j.AUx.onLoop(ym:357) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(pm:10) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  6. Hey bro I started the RFD Mithril gloves & everything was going well until a certain point in the Big Chompy Quest where this error happened & the bot was stuck: [INFO][Bot #2][02/06 03:01:49 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 25 [INFO][Bot #2][02/06 03:01:49 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #2][02/06 03:01:50 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 25 [INFO][Bot #2][02/06 03:01:50 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #2][02/06 03:01:50 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 25 [INFO][Bot #2][02/06 03:01:50 AM]: WebWalkingEvent; We have reached the final destination! [INFO][Bot #2][02/06 03:01:50 AM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 25 Luckily I was afk babysitting & happened to tab in to see it happening. This error occured when you're to lure the chompy in with the bloated frogs.
  7. Figured i'd toss a recent proggy in for anyone curious as to how this script has been working for me.
  8. Hey man I've been using this script after returning to runescape after a few year hiatus & I've got to say it's been running quite well. I've been afking it for a solid 4-5 hour proggies hitting 90k/hr using the overload/absorb dh method. Anyways, quick question for you. I was trying earlier to get it to use the re-enter option after completing my last dreams session & it seemed to be working flawlessly as I didn't notice any stutter stepping or running back & fourth as others have posted about. My main complaint currently I suppose is that every time I "save" my settings to load on my next session it defaults to MTD rather than to my "preset dream" option which I've reselected & re-saved every time. Is there anyway you could update it so it saves that option correctly? I'd had to restart the dream several times now due to the settings defaulting back to MTD upon me clicking load & the bot messing up my previously selected bosses. I'd appreciate any feedback you have on this issue, thanks bud.
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