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  1. For example maybe have a GIM Fishing and cooking script, Have a GUI weather its a Fisher or cookers, and have them all mule into the group bank. I don't see much usefulness in this just and idea.
  2. Someone needs to do a diaries script! Possible even maybe some scripts revolving around GIM farms??
  3. IM with him here as well, Bot runs to the opposite side of the farming patch, when the patch is IN FULL view making it very bot like, as well as terrible inventory management from it. continuously having to run back to the back to refill things, for example: taking 2 tele tabs out of bank on first start, the after first break, uses one, and instantly runs to the bank to restock on just that tab, as well as not restocking saplings etc. then runs back for those as well, walking to a from a patch 3 times.
  4. Keep having a issue where the bot initiates the run to center when defending, just off the basic chat of "X portal has dropped" it initiates the run back to void knight to defend, even while attacking an npc running back and forth to it like a bot.
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