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  1. I tried to jive up this same conversation a while back. I use multiple services, and even though OSBot is one of my favorites, it is definitely at the bottom of the list when it comes to acknowledging detection issues or being proactive in development. I see people post about bot detection on here or Discord and they get gaslit while I know other platforms I use perform much better when it comes to detection rates. Mirror nor stealth allow me to farm or account build without bans, whilst others platforms using the same manual methods at least have a 50% or so success rate.
  2. Mirror and stealth seem to be a negligible difference in ban rights for me atm. There are certainly hotspots such as trawler, mlm, and minigames in general I have just decided to avoid. Slayer also seems to be a fast way to get detected right now. Jagex accounts also seem to be detected at higher rates than standard accounts, but this by no means has enough data between me and the fellas I've spoken with to prove. EDIT: I've also come to a screeching halt on botting times, down to 2-3 hours on anything that isn't bank standing.
  3. I'm opening a discussion as I've seen very little on here. Many around the greater botting community are exclaiming botting is doomed to die. I believe so long as we communicate experiences of what is working and what is not, we as a community can form better tactics. Traditionally, "main" accounts are rather untouched by bans so long as you bot via good proxies on limited daily botting times, but this is no longer the case as even they are being hit with moderate bot busting offences at a high frequency. Some background: I'm not naming clients as I'm not here to promote anything, but I've used multiple botting clients for years and continue to do so as some tend to perform better at certain times than others in terms of detectability. I don't do gold farms anymore as the ban rate is significantly higher than account building and turns into a matter of playing a numbers game with the continual replacement of inevitably culled accounts within a farm. So I'm an experienced botter with a focus on account building and selling. Since July I and many others have noticed a ramp up in bot busting whether you do injection or mirror doesn't seem to yield any discernable difference in detectability at the moment. I noticed particular hotspots at first, but now it has spread to more of a blanket coverage that is nailing account building at rates near that of gold farming in my anecdotal experience substantiated from feedback within a sizable private discord I'm in. This is a great community, let's share information and figure it out together! What is working for you? What isn't working and is avoid at all costs for you? Botting methods? Stealth or mirror? Certain activities?
  4. I had several accounts get bot busted after using this and heading to Tempoross. None of my accounts currently at Tempoross using the Khal script have been affected and I've never had an issue in the past running this script. I don't believe it is anything to do with the script particularly as it runs as expected, but wondering if anyone else has had issues? I know Motherlode Mine is getting busted so wondering if anyone else is having issues, perhaps that Trawler is under a microscope right now? Idk what levers you have you could adjust @Khaleesi but may be worth looking into. Again, nothing against the script, all Khal scripts are great, just bringing attention to something I've noticed!
  5. Is there any plans to add the bone shard methods to this @Czar? I'd be interested in this for sure for that. On the Ironman accounts I sell, I use Pest Control currently, but this would open up a nice avenue for burning through those!
  6. * Buys Eagle Construction Script 2 months ago* Czar: I won't have time to mess with it today, so can I get a 48hr trial or start one tomorrow?
  7. Can I get a trial? Comparing AIO Fisher's
  8. Can I get a trial? Comparing AIO Fisher's
  9. Let me know what you figure out. I have mostly a mix of your scripts and @Czar scripts. Neither seem to recognize that bank, so I figured I'd give a shout out to it as it would be a nice feature if possible! Thanks y'all
  10. Hey @Khaleesi is it possible to add the bank in the clan hall? Would be nice to utilize what is effectively a private instance for bank standing skills.
  11. [INFO][Bot #1][05/08 07:19:39 PM]: Main MW: Initializing break manager [WARN][Bot #1][05/08 07:19:39 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][05/08 07:19:39 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][05/08 07:19:39 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][05/08 07:19:39 PM]: Main MW: Setting up settings [INFO][Bot #1][05/08 07:19:39 PM]: SETTINGS: Zooming camera out [INFO][Bot #1][05/08 07:19:39 PM]: SETTINGS: Changing attack option Getting stuck on this with a group ironman. Doesn't happen on a normal ironman. Any ideas? @minewarriors EDIT - Seems to be from where player trade options is available maybe?
  12. Can I trial this?
  13. Vouching for this update, truly flawless! Quick note, be sure to speak to the NPC before thieving houses or the script will get hung up trying to sell valuables! 10/10
  14. I'd like to first off say that this script, as with all Khaleesi scripts I have used, is absolutely flawless. Highly recommend! I am wondering if there are any planned updates with Varlamore content for this script?
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