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Everything posted by markyboymax

  1. Couple of early issues I'm noticing, @Czar: 1- When selecting "emblem trader" skull option, the bot tries to walk to Edgeville. Ideally, it would take more optimal routes than walking, like glory amulet or teleport to Varrock and then walk to Edgeville. 2- When the bot is frozen by a rev, it assumes its being attacked, and thus starts exiting the caves. 3- It doesn't seem to respond well to PKers. When I was attacked it didn't quickly use protection prayers or eat. I didn't use fury mouse though... what does that option do?
  2. HOLY SHEEE*** Can I get a trial please good sir. This is badass.
  3. Can I get a trial please, mate. Also - does this support Sulliuscep by chance?
  4. @Czar I'm getting this error, which is preventing me from setting up the script. I've deleted all the files in the osbot/data/perfectbarrows directory and no change. Any help would be appreciated! [INFO][01/22 09:31:05 AM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.7.12! [INFO][01/22 09:31:11 AM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 219! [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/22 09:31:11 AM]: Initializing stealth injection bot... [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:31:11 AM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters... [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/22 09:31:15 AM]: Injected bot reference into client! [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/22 09:31:16 AM]: Injected 40 class and 340 field accessors! [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/22 09:31:16 AM]: Injected canvas! [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/22 09:31:38 AM]: Loading RS world : 195 [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:31:39 AM]: Initializing 39 API modules... [INFO][01/22 09:31:39 AM]: Started bot #1 [INFO][01/22 09:31:51 AM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 19 scripts. [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: Initialising guided state setup... [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: ... done! [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: Initialising modules... [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: Item Definitions loaded: 28792 [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: Definitions loaded: 28792 [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: 21 modules loaded [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: "eq_loaded" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: ... done! [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:27 AM]: "g_walk_setting" changed to "90" [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:28 AM]: Yay! [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:28 AM]: 1 actionpoints ready [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:29 AM]: Item definitions loaded: 28792 [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:29 AM]: Loading setup [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:29 AM]: Couldn't open setup window this time... please check osbot/data/perfectbarrows/ folder and delete some files... [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:29 AM]: java.lang.SecurityException [INFO][Bot #1][01/22 09:36:29 AM]: "ss_only_my_npcs" changed to "1"
  5. There's been a few threads talking about this. Clearly an issue. Likely related to Macs only, but seemed to go into effect sometime on Thursday afternoon,
  6. Here's another thread on this: Are you on a Mac by chance? Many of the others on that thread seemed to be.
  7. Issue is still ongoing on my side this morning. Like the others, re-installing OSBot didn't help.
  8. I have the same problem. Am able to log into OSBot, log into my account. But when I select a script (any script, doesn't matter which one), the OSBot isn't responsive any longer. It doesn't launch the script, and doesn't register clicks/input anywhere on the OSBot app. M1 Mac running OS 12.7.2. Stealth mode (don't have VIP for mirror, so haven't tried that.) Since yesterday around 5pm GMT.
  9. Same. Logged in. Can see the scripts I own. Click on them and then the launcher freezes.
  10. Ah interesting, didn't realize it was based on a set list of weapons used. I have an account using Bowfa.
  11. Does this support range-only with bowfa / crystal armor?
  12. YES! Finally a hunter script. Mind if I get a trial, Khal? Also... if you ever do a Herbi script, I would vote for you for President.
  13. I've been using Warped Scepter without an issue... Have you tried adding it as one of your presets? (I used "Capture my gear" option.) Just bumping this up, Czar. Is there a way to get the bot to use potions? I have ranging potions in my inventory, but the bot ignores them... By the way, I've done ~300 chests now with no issues - so major props on a great script otherwise!
  14. Hi, Sorry - are Ardy Cloak or Explorer Ring not supported as a travel mechanism to the Ardy/Fally farm patches?
  15. Sorry, I worded that poorly! I have ranging pots in my inventory and the bot doesn't seem to sip them. Any idea why? Also, I have a rune pouch with house teleport runes, but it still tries to withdraw runes manually in the inventory. Does the bot not support rune pouch? (Just wondering!) Otherwise, really impressive bot. Cheers!
  16. Hey Czar - The bot uses any ranging / combat potions, even if they're part of the starting inventory. Maybe I'm overlooking something.. any thoughts here?
  17. Any chance for a trial, @Czar?
  18. Script seems to break down speaking to the butler pretty frequently. I had a hard time using during the trial unfortunately
  19. @Khaleesi just wanted to say - it's mega cool to have bought this script earlier in the year pre-forestry, and now to have it buffed with the new updates without having to pay again / more. Thanks for a fantastic product.
  20. Is the script unavailable?
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