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Afk Dad

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  1. Trying to tele alch in my house but the house teleport option just immediately makes the script log out.
  2. I’ll recreate it later today when I get home and send you the logs
  3. I had world hopper turn on, p2p worlds “any”, random hop top didn’t matter I changed it to multiple different times. But every single time I relogged in it would just saying “pinging website” and “enabling bank handler” or something along those lines for the second one. Been working flawlessly since I turned off hopping.
  4. I’ve used this script many times before and my first impressions were the exact same. Thought it was broken it had major issues. But ultimately it came down to user error and understanding how to properly set it up
  5. @Fruity I haven’t been able to run with a break profile. No matter what I do it will not resume after logging bank in. It’ll stand there and relog over and over and over. I’ve used your script previously for 5k kc and never any issues can you please help. Edit: solved the issue. Apparently using the world hopper caused the problem
  6. Having issues. Everytime I come back from break it’ll get stuck after it logs in. It’ll log in grab my inventory and then stand there waiting for the bank handler. Idk if it’s because I don’t have a bank pin but it refuses to continue after it logs out and relogs. I set a pin until take 3 days.
  7. When starting up fresh it automatically puts having bronze defender up and you have to click on it and scroll up to no defender if your just starting out
  8. forget what i said. user error
  9. Well turns out the reviews for SmartProxy are bs and they do not support gaming even though they were recommended for gaming proxies. this hunt for reliable proxies is killing me anyone got a solid provider that isn’t expensive
  10. Just switched providers for proxies to one called “Smart Proxy” and I legit cannot get it to work on the client at all but the proxifier checker said it was working fine. Anyone have same problem?
  11. Could I possibly snag a trial?
  12. You’re very welcome Ty too. I’ve been pretty much babysitting the script the whole time I’m using it and this is what I came up with if your interested. -Antidote ++(4) isn’t recognized at all and will immediately just close the script. -When banking or starting the script with diminished prayer or hp the script will only drink one dose of prayer pot and eat 1 time. ( thinking it’s because you have it set to get the max prayer points out of each dose) this is great for while in combat but when getting a fresh bank run you lose a little. - Adding use of staminas (mainly for world hopping since after one hop you’ll be indefinitely walking the caves until you find a world. -Activating quick/all your prayers selected prior to even teleporting is incredibly draining on prayer. I would just have it through on protect from meele and then once in the spot turn on the others. just my two cents I still really like the script tyvm for the trial I went and purchased it as well Edit: @Czar Gonna be honest i dont really trust leaving this script alone for too long. Ive died probably 4 times now. Lost over 50m in chins give or take. -While resetting aggro on the way back to the pile to regain and stack them up you have the script run back and forth to group them up. But the issue is the tiles you have this set up on are all spike traps. -With world hopping on the script will continue to run all the way to the spot tele out and hop/repeat indefinitely without taking current supplies into count. As your searching for a world all while just walking, sometimes youll end up with 8 prayer pots missing and all your food and get smoked the second you start to group up skeles.
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