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Everything posted by Tony

  1. How much to make that your new sig?
  2. Farming easy clues could actually be pretty easy(not a scripter so idk no cyberbully probably wrong), theres no puzzles or fights, its all emote clues and digging. Juggles would just have to code in like 50 locations to teleport to, then either click a stash or dig. The issue here would be finding a clue farming method that wouldnt insta saturate like the flesh crawler one mentioned.
  3. ffs knuck can you go one day without getting into a fight with someone on the forums? no cyberbully pls, "or else"
  4. Did the ma2 update make it easier or harder? I have done a few 1 pray capes on pures for ma2 pre-update, might start offering it again if its not harder
  5. I'll raise my offer to the air inside a bag of doritos.
  6. I have heard good things about the bot, but the shitposting in chatbox is the main appeal.
  7. Welcome If you want to make progress without getting banned or putting in effort, bot a goldfarming method and pay a servicer to handtrain your account for you - bans are very common these days.
  8. I'm gonna send slicer a pic of those hands, RIP. They have your thumbprints on them.
  9. Fine, I'll go watch this new Ark: Survival Evolved playthrough I just found on youtube!
  10. Is this what it feels like when your parents fight?
  11. The best cereal by far. That means a lot. I'd trust him with Knuckoll's self-linking sig.
  12. You heard it here first folks, I am worth a single shekel. I'd trust him with Face of Dead's prospects of returning to this forum
  13. You gave us a platform to shitpost on and expected us not to use it?
  14. The life of Slicer and Night's weird ass looking baby.
  15. Tony

    Regicide package

    It would be hard for me to go much lower due to the amount of time required for the agility training. Add me on discord if you want to negotiate
  16. Tony

    Forum avatar needed

    Thanks, but I'm looking to update it @Sulin
  17. No idea if you are still looking for this but I know a professional graphic designer that has a decent sized business portfolio and uses osbot. Be warned, I paid about 200m for my branding, so it aint cheap.
  18. Title says it all. I need a new forum avatar, I don't particularly mind what the design is as long as it features some blue. Willing to pay for higher end work.
  19. The only good yam is a yam that has been left in the oven and forgotten about. There. I said it. I thought you would stand by me, but no. You always side with your parents, even when I tried to stop little Timmy from experimenting with a peeler. HE WAS 3. NOW HE'S GONE AND ITS YOUR FAULT
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