ended up just buying it instead of waiting for trial, i'm running into an issue.
Script Version: v1.07
OSBot Version: 2.6.64
Stealth Injection or Mirror mode: Stealth
Brief description of the issue: won't trade in implings for more impling jars, it just opens the trade UI then quits and reopens continously
Stack trace and or contents of Logger:
[INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:15 AM]: Next tile: [x=2586, y=4320, z=0], path: 17, noObstacleBlocking: false
[INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:15 AM]: Next tile: [x=2586, y=4320, z=0], path: 17, noObstacleBlocking: false
[INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:15 AM]: Next tile: [x=2586, y=4320, z=0], path: 17, noObstacleBlocking: false
[INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:23 AM]: Next tile: [x=2588, y=4320, z=0], path: 16, noObstacleBlocking: false
[INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:31 AM]: Next tile: [x=2592, y=4320, z=0], path: 13, noObstacleBlocking: false
logger doesn't seem to give any errors while trying to exchange the implings for jars.
Screenshot where it got stuck: