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Everything posted by ItsYandhi

  1. could superantipoison and other options be added? 87 slayer is required for the next upgrade after ibans for ironman and using cure me spell on lunars means u cant use ibans so its a lose lose situation as antivenom is the only poison potion supported which requires 87 herblore..
  2. could I give this a trial, cheers
  3. hey bro, running into an issue with the plank maker spell dragging the coins and logs and swapping them in inv (this stops it from casting the spell as it drags them instead), will continue to stand idle afterwards
  4. ended up just buying it instead of waiting for trial, i'm running into an issue. Script Version: v1.07 OSBot Version: 2.6.64 Stealth Injection or Mirror mode: Stealth Brief description of the issue: won't trade in implings for more impling jars, it just opens the trade UI then quits and reopens continously Stack trace and or contents of Logger: [INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:15 AM]: Next tile: [x=2586, y=4320, z=0], path: 17, noObstacleBlocking: false [INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:15 AM]: Next tile: [x=2586, y=4320, z=0], path: 17, noObstacleBlocking: false [INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:15 AM]: Next tile: [x=2586, y=4320, z=0], path: 17, noObstacleBlocking: false [INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:23 AM]: Next tile: [x=2588, y=4320, z=0], path: 16, noObstacleBlocking: false [INFO][Bot #1][04/04 04:31:31 AM]: Next tile: [x=2592, y=4320, z=0], path: 13, noObstacleBlocking: false logger doesn't seem to give any errors while trying to exchange the implings for jars. Screenshot where it got stuck:
  5. damn this looks nice, could i get a trial? x
  6. any trials for this? x
  7. - Script name: Khal Wintertotd - trial length: ~2 days - Reason for trial: I own most of the scripts already but would like to trial this one on new accounts as its one of the only ones i don't have - Are you ging to give feedback on the script?: of course thanks
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