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Trade With Caution
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About xlowes

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  1. xlowes

    73-77 RC

    Well i have not botted on it for over a week and yet to get banned. So im not sure if i will get one. I may take you up on that offer. You say dont ask for a time to complete, but what if i need it relatively quickly. Also do you do it legit or do you bot it?
  2. xlowes

    73-77 RC

    How much for somebody to do 73-77 RC for me? i have botted to 73 but feel if i carry on i will get banned. What GP/xp? also only trusted people please.
  3. Any body who enjoys MTA fancy having a go at doing it on my ACC? i would like to unlock bones to peaches for the diary but i find it unbareable. Thanks in advance
  4. P***ed off!! ran the bot for around 2 hours, worked fine, i went to reset it whilst i had dinner. came back and it has dropped my earth runes, all 1.2m of them! Agreed the bot works well and gained me nice xp from lava runes, but really? dropping earth runes. Went back and they are no where to be seen.
  5. Mine also is doing this, waste of time.
  6. xlowes

    Fruity NMZ

    From the UK then? snows really bad in Yorkshire. Ill happily pay 12.5m for it. Let me know when you get back.
  7. xlowes

    Fruity NMZ

    Can i buy with OSRS GP please?
  8. Thank you, minimising worked a treat. Such an awesome script too.
  9. Minor bug on my mac, which is a new mac incase you thought it may be because of the age of the computer. But when i open the script, It shows nothing. The only way i know what entries to enter is because ive used it before. but the input box is blank with white boxes for the entries. Is this something other people have had problems with?
  10. The bot loads ok, walks to where it needs to be. then just does nothing and in the debug page all it says is 'tryna chop down' and does nothing. this started like 3 days ago and since then i cannot get the script to run in any of the spots. i have tried restarting, reinstalling osbot and refreshing the script page. the script did work when i purchased and made achieved me 77 woodcutting. here is a screenshot of the problem. http://prntscr.com/74eyez hope you can get it sorted mate.
  11. i have this script, but recently it just stands in the same spot for hours and does nothing. help please
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