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Everything posted by dizzo21

  1. every time it sends my demon butler to bank it says NPC not found report to czar immediately and runs to exit portal. Not sure what to do doesn't wait for butler to get back and also in the middle of building mahogany tables it'll change sides of which its building it on and go back and forth randomly
  2. keep mouse out of screen during mining isn't working can you give me some ideas? I am running it on an acc I probably shouldn't be bc its a beast but I know the risks and have gotten 99 over 20 times using all your scripts
  3. what is the random mouse profile? should i be using it?
  4. i dont understand how to do this. I just open a command prompt and paste that with my version in? I tried that and now I can't even open up my osbot jar file manually. It said it couldn't find file
  7. dizzo21

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey fruity why does the bot do rock cake before overload? Every time it gets my health down so low that the overload kills me.
  8. dizzo21

    Stealth NMZ

    where can I send you the log because my bot is getting max 50k points a game sometimes as low as 9k points. I haven't had the time to babysit it yet and see whats causing me to die early when I always have near full supplies when it happens EDIT: ADDED BELOW. Doesn't look like it includes anything specific that might help but I'm running dh, rock cake, restores, and overloads.
  9. Hey czar, how come I'm not able to click the rocks I want to mine? I choose it in the settings then when I click the rocks green it just unlicks them making them red then stands there?
  10. script is constantly calling for the butler when it fetching stuff from the bank. When it arrives and is a few tiles away it'll call butler before even giving it a chance to come over. I've gotten 99 con 3 times using this bot but a little nervous to let it run on its own now. Any advice?
  11. Could I get a trial please? Very interested.
  12. I really appreciate it, you're the man!
  13. Hey man as you know I’m a big fan of your scripts but I didn’t see u even responded until now. Is there any way u can check to see that I didn’t use the script? I forgot to check back and the trial ran out earlier today looks like by the time of ur comment
  14. I thought the safest is using hardware and new mouse checked boxes?
  15. im trying to pick the 3 iron rocks in al kharid I click the right where it says choose your own rocks then i highlight them all green and it just unlicks them and turns it off I don't seem to understand what the problem is. I'm on mirror and all settings are correct.
  16. Can u explain how I can make the image show up? It never lets me do it Also for anyone needing advice on where to bot this script or any bank scripts stand at GE in world 302.
  17. Just got my 2nd 99 herblore cape using this bot and my 5th 99 using his fletcher, crafter, prayer, and herblore scripts. I stand by them! Thanks Czar!! also i can never embed a picture to show up on a script without it just being a url if someone can help me with that. it never works when i use the insert image from url button https://imgur.com/a/rpEKD0Y
  18. Will do, any advice on what anvil/bank?
  19. just got my 2nd 99 construction cape with this script in a month. Very good script just make sure you have everything it needs to run it and it will run smoothly. I botted for 2 hours and took breaks anywhere between 30 and 45 mins. Gl! https://imgur.com/a/RxJUUwv
  20. Thanks brotha! Can't decide if going for wintertodt or blast furnace next. Want to get all the faster ones out of the way first haha.
  21. https://imgur.com/a/OHSlaxt Just got 99 crafting using your script! Flawless as always and is my 4th in the past month and a half using your scripts. Crafting, prayer, herblore, and fletching! Thanks Czar! P.S. I'd bot for about 2 hours and break for 40 minutes rougly...
  22. Appreciate it. Just hit 90 using ur script and bought a ton of dart tips not knowing they weren’t supported haha. Almost at 99 crafting and 99 fletching using ur scripts after just getting 99 herb, pray, and construction all this month using urs as well!
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