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strongey12 last won the day on March 28 2022

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  1. Would like to try a trial of this!
  2. Would like to try this out with a trial before possibly purchasing!
  3. Hey Tom, after a few months break... it seems I can't get the script to launch? Nothing happens when I try to initiate the script Logs - [ERROR][Bot #1][12/19 11:46:26 AM]: Error in script onStart(): osMiner java.lang.NullPointerException at net.battleau.osMiner.b.AUX.<init>(j:29) at net.battleau.osMiner.Miner.onStart(kb:196) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.IiIiIiiiiiI(ql:351) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(ql:501) at org.osbot.EB.IiIIiiIiIIi(rq:171) at org.osbot.lpT1.IiIIiiIiIIi(vw:318) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][12/19 11:46:26 AM]: Terminating script osMiner... [INFO][Bot #1][12/19 11:46:26 AM]: ---- [INFO][Bot #1][12/19 11:46:26 AM]: Like the script? Leave a review here: [INFO][Bot #1][12/19 11:46:26 AM]: https://osbot.org/forum/store/product/662-osminer/ [INFO][Bot #1][12/19 11:46:26 AM]: ---- [INFO][Bot #1][12/19 11:46:26 AM]: Script osMiner has exited!
  4. Looks great! Would I be able to try this out before purchasing?
  5. Cannot wait to use it!!! Thank you Also if you're still working on that RC Minigame, let me know! Also been wondering if it will be included with your AIO Runecrafting script or will it be separate?
  6. Hey Khal! Just have one request/suggestion for the script! I like woodcutting Teaks that I have grown on Fossil Island, however I noticed there isn't an option to use the cave shortcut to the bank! Would be awesome if this was added as a feature as it saves some time banking! Screenshots of area below https://prnt.sc/LT9Pxu6O1vb7 https://prnt.sc/YK_eMWBbTVYD Thanks again!
  7. Would like to try this out Czar!!
  8. The Balloon method works great as well, was just curious about the WC Guild. One thing about the Balloon method however, is that I have 100 logs stored so the script doesn't need to take out a log every time to fly
  9. Hey Khal! Just purchased this script. I was hoping it would have support for Woodcutting guild, to make planks there as I am hoping to do this on an ironman. Would this be possible? Thanks in advance!
  10. Legend! Not a problem. Great news
  11. When can we expect next update? Update- It seems when using the 'house tab + jewelry box' option, it sometimes doesn't tab and will just die. Wondering if maybe an option to use the Home Teleport Spell instead as I haven't had any issues with the spells at all. Thanks again Czar!
  12. My guy Really looking forward to this. Your scripts are flawless. If I may suggest one other thing I noticed, if using the 'Teleport spell' option for banking, is there any way to include Grand Exchange or Seers' Village versions of the Varrock and Camelot teleports Sidenote- Not to knock anyone, but I recently purchased a combat script from someone else for a specific task, and besides using PoH properly (which I'm sure you fixed), your script is far superior for everything. Great work again.
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