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  1. That actually looks legit AF. Don't have like fang and shadow, so I'm probably just gonna crank the difficulty to 400 and use the bot to not make mistakes
  2. Hey. Getting clapped by p3 wardens. Gonna probably make auto eat scrip in osbot. From my experience it's not detected as much as other bots. Other bots, i would just hand play in the bot client without scripts and id get auto bandos for botting. Anyway. There's the ba-ba balder. It spawns above a tile and casts a shadow on the client. I believe it's a graphics object. I guess you have to use getGraphicObjects, to figure out if it's at a tile. java.util.List<GraphicsObject> lol = getGraphicObjects().filter((Filter<GraphicsObject>) position); uhhh, yeah i'm don't know what im doing. I googled this getgraphicsobject method, and it's never mentioned anywhere on the forums besides in teh api can someone make a quick snippet for me how to detect a graphics object at a tile
  3. Also how do you make sanboxie download new cache for the client?
  4. So rs stores data on your computer, and even though you may use proxies, rs knows how many accs you logged in on, in your computer, and may even actively check how many clients were open at the same time. So does sanboxie help to combat this? How do you combat this?
  5. Auto clicking fleching or alchibg isnt botting. Botting is like doing the stankey leg at olm for 6 hours while sleeping. You didn't get banned for botting because you didn't bot, you only macroed and macroing is largely unofficially permited. Jamflex realizes that their game is tedious and boring to the point of being unplayable, that's why when most people auto clicked 99 magic on their main, they just looked away. Try making a starter account from scratch using a bot client. It's kinda not doable.
  6. try doing exactly what you've been doing, but only run 1 account, and don't play osrs at all, and just see how far your 1 account with no proxy will get. Again use same conditions as for your bot farm.
  7. if i do use proxy fish, they dont just create new ips out of their ass and destroy ips permanently after they've been used... if a botter or a gold farmer used that specific ip, and got banned, that ip will be permanently on a list of higher detection ips, if i hop on it and use a script, i might get banned instantly. That's the real problem.
  8. So half a year ago, I lost almost a thousand dollars when my proxy ip provider, had half his ips banned. So runescape uses a shitlist that most of the internet uses for spammers. I don't know what it's called but I noticed that when I was using a proxy, a bunch of different websites wouldn't give me access. I think cloudflare banned those ips. Anyway, so there are like isps for ips, and an entire isp was added to cloudflare shit list. And runescape put like a 120 of my accounts onto highest detection level and they all got banned instantly. They also all just got bonds like two days ago. Anyway to check if an ip is banned by cloudflare? also if all the botted ips will keep getting added to runescape shitlist, wont us botters and goldfarmers run out of ips one day? I was paying like 200 bucks for 300 ips, and i was using unique ip for every bot.
  9. is botting only for gold farmers? can you bot personal accounts for the sake of playing the game without being banned. There's like a thousand users online on this forums, they can't all be gold farmers, can they?
  10. Can you post the statistical expected profit per hour? I feel like the proggy you used is a little scammy. It's like showing a god wards dungeon bot with back to back ags drops in a proggy. Aren't barrows supposed to be 400k an hour? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcovSPiXIAEPKjm.png oh wow, so u can get better profit per hour by choosing not to kill shitty cheap brothers? so the most expansive ahrims 4.2m guthans 5.1m, karisl 4.2m dh 2.4m veracs and toargs are the cheapest. so what you could do is, only kill guthans ahrims, karils, and then kill mobs untill you have up to 1000 cb levels of dead stuff.
  11. and my blast furnace account got banned after i ran this script for 45 minutes..... soooo the good news is that varrck tele tab + stamina pots = 477k an hour bad news is, 45 minutes ban... lol I think toggling on the antiban might be a mistake
  12. Why isn't it working for me? do we have different versions?
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