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  1. just 2 errors in quests ive noticed. In the nature spirit. the bot doesnt click option 2 in the dialogue to allow you to use the mirror on him. Just spams it repeatedly until i manually did it. And The golem - the bot doesnt turn the statues to face north, just kept spinning the same 1 around
  2. do you have a discord? Also is about 160k exp an hour correct for oak larders? with demon butler?
  3. can i get a trial please?
  4. Can i get a trial please? Does this do world hoping for runite ore at all?
  5. im trying to craft steam runes with runners. The runners are fine but i can't get my master to craft the steam rune I have water runes, steam runes, binding necklace and water talisman in my inventory but the bot keeps asking me for 'fire runes' but u dont use fire runes to make steam runes on the fire altar? nothing i change will fix it. It should be looking for water runes not fire runes
  6. few things i've noticed with the bot that would help it run a bit more smooth. When using the tree to travel for some reason it it doesnt use the gnome stronghold teleport to go to nieve, it uses the travel part to ardougne then runs all the way up to nieve. Doesn't make any sense when the gnome stronghold teleport is like 30 steps from the slayer master? Also almost every inventory it grabs a skills/games necklace yet never uses it at all. Just takes up an extra space. I'm wearing a glory and ring of life shouldnt the bot teleport to edgeville or grand exchange? And when u select eat food to full health, it gets the entire inventory it needs, then uses the food in the inventory to eat, so you sometimes go to kill monsters with 3 less food than you could be. It should go to bank, eat to full health, then stock the inventory
  7. does the bot support any bosses currently? like the Tzhaar Jad?
  8. can i grab a trial please? Also does this have cannon safe spotting?
  9. Agree with the cannon thing as well, cannon goes from attacking 4 or 5 trolls at once to just the one you attack. The bot should run the character out of combat so the cannon can do its, job and run back and forth to restock it. Is there any option to see safespot for cannoning? im doing ankou's now and the cannon only attacks the monster im fighting. I couldnt find a setting to stand in safespot so cannong will do it's thing, or do i need to be using a range weapon for that?
  10. one thing i have noticed which is very botlike, is when going back to edgeville bank, it always clicks in the same spot on the bank by the western door. Always the exact same spot. any way this can be randomised at all?
  11. hi Khal, Bot working well just 1 issuue i have noticed. For some reason it gets stuck on the top level sometimes and cant click on the ladder. The mouse hovers over it but wont click it. I have tried zooming out and the ladder is visible, bot has the mouse on it, but it just wont click it. I then menually move the mouse a tad and it clicks on the ladder after that. I think it normally happens when i'm due to empty my last inventory into the trolley
  12. had the same problem with xp lamps also, doesnt rub them. And natural history museum quiz would be great to be added at some point, cheers.
  13. yes 3 mirror clients, all at the same time. Does that cause issues?
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