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Everything posted by frotenvergen

  1. Request Template: - Script name: Khal AIO Fighter - trial length: As long as posible? - Reason for trial: I'm trying to figure out which is the best fighter script and definitely buy it. I already have your Rc and GOTR script and I'm hopong this one will have the same quality. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yes.
  2. Hello. I have an issue with the Bot. Sometimes, when the Zombified Spawn appears, the Bot click the crumble undead spell and then click the ground instead of the Spawn and my character gets killed by the spawn. Has anyone else had this issue?
  3. Alright. Can I get a trial of the script? Cheers.
  4. Hello Does it support Sandcrabs?
  5. Do you use mirror mode? And have you done any improvements to your account?
  6. I was botting with a self made script with Simba SRL, I used to bot agility like 6 hours a day without anything happening, However when I made a crafting script that used the bank at the top of lumbrisge, I got temporary banned. I think it was because ppl kept asking for "telly to varrock plz" and I didn't answer so they were reporting me.
  7. I have never been banned for autoclicking neither, only for using AHK.
  8. Watcha gonna do with 1b in your account?
  9. Hello, I'm joking with the title. I want to introduce myself. I'm frotenvergen. I have been playing runescape since 2008 or 2009, when summoning and trade restrictions were implemented and you could only trade like 10kgp between accounts. I quitted when EOC was released and I came back to osrs when the pandemic began. Outside of RS I really like MMA, I watch most of the UFC events and some fights in Bellator. Also I like to code some scripts and learn about car mechanics. I want to build reputation inside the forums. My goal is to offer accounts ready for nightmare zone and blast furnace. I'm planning to sell my main account whenever the rsps "Zaros" gets released, since I will mainly be investing my time on the server. Also I would like to take any jobs, if that is even possible. I would not charge a lot since my main goal is to build rep. Do you have any suggestions on which account builds are good for selling in the OsBot fourms?. I'm looking forward to any answers. Thanks for reading. Chers.
  10. Hello. I have been playing runescape since 2008. I quitted when the EOC was released. The rona pandemic made me comeback to osrs, and I really enjoy playing the game and how the currency ingame has a price in the real world.


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