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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Dbuffed

  1. Hey there, it could of been paid via e-cheque Best to double check it wasn't, if it was then there is a few wait day period if not then i'm sure @Gunman or @Space can help
  2. And then there's me doing weird things like catching implings on a regular account XD
  3. Hi there, what's it saying exactly? By closed, you mean your PP account was closed or? If you're having trouble you can buy a voucher here - https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/
  4. No problem if you need anything else feel free to just pm me on discord, we have a ironman sale going on for another week or so atm! (15% off ironmen+PVM)
  5. Hi there, my team could probably make some for around 9-10m/acc assuming you're fine with them being afked via the lesser demon or such
  6. Hey there, you are in good hands don't worry, Staff are often busy a lot like anyone else, it may be worth private messaging @Maldesto (although he could be very busy) or try reach out to @Space / @Gunman for further assistance
  7. Sorry for the late reply, and no clue buddy but probably I think it's due to crypto at this point in time sky rocketing and everyone looking to invest
  8. Title says all After BTC (coinbase/binance) contact via discord ty
  9. Hi there, if you have no real budget feel free to contact me with more information All things are hand trained, also had 1063 feedback + was ex staff on my old profile
  10. Looking for btc (coinbase/binance) pm me on discord pls ty
  11. It's pretty hard to find people who are actively willing to work on it unless you pay them well, luckily for me I have a worker who also plays that on top of does services. Out of all the people I have personally dealt with when it comes to games, he is maybe 1 of a handful of people I know who actively play
  12. hi there, 15m pisc and 9m hosi could do shayzien too, not sure what we would price at though (normal price via armor handing in etc is 10m)
  13. Hey there, I may have an account you can buy that has barrow gloves etc, but I am pretty sure it's around 43 prayer if that helps (currently getting a few made)
  14. hello mate, 50-60k/kc
  15. Hey there, is the mining being done via motherlode or powermine?
  16. Hey man, my team could help you Probably missing a few quests due to updating our prices to our previous lower costs but the ones I do have listed come to 19.15M
  17. hi there, got a list for the other quests? DS1 you're looking at 2M
  18. hello Magic MM1 Tunnels 70-99 = 15 GP/XP MM2 Tunnels 70-99 = 10 GP/XP Teleporting = 20GP/XP High alchemy = 25GP/XP String Jewellery = 10GP/XP Bake pie = 20GP/XP humidify = 25GP/XP Tan leather = 30GP/XP Superglass = 25GP/XP and can of course also do things like nightmare zone! Contact me via pm or discord
  19. using coinbase, and yeah it happened today and only today
  20. You <3

    1. Dex


      Yoooo, long time no speak

    2. Dbuffed


      Hey :) hope you're well!

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