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  1. I mainly work with C# as a middleman so to speak between our home servers and applications we built in-house. C++ is much more my thing. Never tried my hand at being a Java dev as it is fading from my line of work as C#, C++ and Fortran dominate the scene for their utility. Could try to learn Java to fix it but busy enough with work hence the reason I bot in the first place.
  2. Hey so I was using this a fair bit yesterday and noticed it was having this bug happen fairly often. I kept count and over the span of 2hours 45mins it happened a total of 13 times. It randomly decided to press certain keys randomly. Can't really use this despite really liking it's mouse off screen setting. Please fix! Maybe changing it from selecting it just hits space and only checks the first time based on what you select would be fine by me, not sure how easy that is I exclusively code in C# and C++ for work so I have no clue about Java lol. Hoping this gets fixed in a later update!
  3. Using Mirror mode Fixed Res, haven't noticed it happening since newest update but will keep an eye out. Ty for the update
  4. Noticed a bug where sometimes the Bot will randomly select a different item to craft? Mirror Mode: Glass Making some Lantern Lenses and came back to over 400 Beer glasses without any manual input. Mouse off screen was turned on. Not quite sure what happened since I was afk. Guessing at some point mouse came back and misclicked? Not sure. I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can recreate it.
  5. Hello wondering if I could snag a trail to check it out before purchasing
  6. Hey just noticed an odd bug, sometimes when attaching Bolt Tips to bolts the bot will double click or missclick the tips and equip the Bolts and then bank everything and afk till log out. - Currently Default mode - doing Diamond Tips on Addy Bolts with Mouse movements off screen happened 2s in the span of 6 hours at some point. Came back from AFK to find I was logged out and had my bolt stack equipped. Seems to do it more often when nothing is in quiver? Only had it happen twice so far and no logs. Just thought I'd post this incase it was brought up before. Works great when it doesn't happen!
  7. Vecxd

    Stealth NMZ

    Literally seconds after I posted this, the bot broke and constantly tried to Guzzle Rock Cake at 7hp while being TP'd by 4 of him. I wasn't able to pause/stop the Script so I had to Force Close OSBot. Def needs to be fixed. Guessing it's the Rock Cake bug Brain Fart had + being TP'd.
  8. Vecxd

    Stealth NMZ

    Ty for the trail, I ended up using it about 3 hours straight with no issues. I went and bought it I have an issue though, when selecting agrith naar and any position (other than random) the Bot will constantly try to run back to where you select but not attack Agrith so it constantly teleports. Could you possibly put in a focus target on him meantime I will remove him from NZ. ;3
  9. Vecxd

    Stealth NMZ

    Hey can I get a trial please? Want to test out before I buy because my account is shiet lol
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