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Everything posted by Framble

  1. I feel sorry for your kids when your dog attacks them like a wild animal. Goodluck with that.
  2. So why do you always have to walk with your dog outside so that it can shit? Cats can atleast clean themself without making your house a complete mess. Lower iq my friend, why did the cat save the kid and why did the dog attack it, beacuse they are predators.
  3. Framble


    See you, goodluck irl!
  4. Perm bans are ip bans. They are just following that account closely, dont bot on it.
  5. Holy crab, i lost one too. Aint law runner accounts like 11m each
  6. The ban status would not be turned back to normal. Your ban meter will stay half way if you got a botting minor. The ban was prob for 14 days, sometimes that happens too :
  7. My fearly new pc build Bough parts over the past months, video card is old though. Processor: Intel core i5-4670k (Btw, it is running on high temp all the time idk why (40-50c) when idle). Video card: Radeon hd 5750 Ram: 8gb Samsung ssd 120gb and HDD 250gb MSI Z87-G43, Socket-1150 Bough last week a new cabinet: Fractal design r4
  8. Botting is not safe at all, all my botting accounts are now banned. I would suggest you bot smart (Breaks, skill change, questing, legit).
  9. This. But I can agree with you, the number of pkers is decreasing.
  10. Go for that 100h lol
  11. Same. Tried to log on and I was like, what? I thought my accounts were banned at first. So, just wait for them to fix it
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