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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Fruity

  1. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Thank you! thanks for your help again
  2. This is where i need to learn better methods all the ones above look better than what i would have done lel. I would have gotten a all the items in inventory then for each item check if it has the action and if it does add it to a array list >.> My way seems t0o much - Im such a nub atm aha
  3. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Oh wow I'm debating on making the account i used to test this 99/99/99 or keep it a zerk hate decisions lmao
  4. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Awsome! what account build you making? Don't forget to tell me how it goes!
  5. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Added Download Link
  6. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Just need to do attacking monster thing then it is being released tonight in about 3 hours
  7. Nice share . Going to release when i get around to it lmao
  8. Bit random but why is the animated armour called goatName? otherwise nice :P
  9. Nvm! in the ge now >.>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fruity


      gud times :boge: could probs update that sometime haha

    3. The Hero of Time

      The Hero of Time

      i refuse to update my status, its 2 gud :boge: i even deleted the status of chatbox ban to get it on top again kek

    4. Jamez
  10. Bookmarked for the future!
  11. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Not sure but i havnt got a git so it would be a local release if i did :3 Ill have to have a look at this premium one and see what it does. Havnt had a look at it myself.
  12. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Np (When i actually Release it ) ;)
  13. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Its not 100% afk tho? You have to drink ovls and prayer pots ect active Power-ups ect. It is fairly AFK I know but this is for the extra lazy people like me :P
  14. Fruity

    Fruity NMZ

    Multiple Potion Support! Prayer ✓ Restore ✓ Overloads ✓ Absorptions ✓ Ability to set custom random higher/lower boundaries Ranging ✓ Super and Normal Magic ✓ Super and Normal Imbued Heart ✓ Super Attack, Strength & Defence Potions ✓ Special attack support ✓ Custom Dream Settings ✓ Ability to chose whether you want the character to re-enter a dream when it dies Ability to chose what position the player stands in Ability to set dream type Normal Hard Customisable - normal Customisable - hard Ability to chose a dream preset MTD Tree Gnome village Lost City Vampire Slayer Fight Arena Mountain Daughter Guthans Tree Gnome Village Lost City Vampire Slayer What Lies Below Haunted Mine Demon Tree Gnome Village Lost City Vampire Slayer Fight Arena The Grand Tree Custom The ability to set your own bosses in-game and the script will not change anything. Enable or Disable Power-Ups Zapper Recurrent Damage Power Surge Requires a Special weapon to be set within the GUI Magic Support ✓ Select any ‘Normal Spellbook’ combat spell to train with Rune pouch support Barrows Repairing! ✓ Uses 'Lumbridge Home Teleport' to get to lumbridge, requires standard spell book. Uses the Minigames teleport to travel back to Nightmare Zone Recharging rechargeable! ✓ Blowpipe Tome of Fire Purchase Your Daily Herb Boxes! Option to only purchase when you have over 'x' Points Option to either Bank or Open the Herb Boxes Rock Cake & Locator Orb Support ✓ Ability to set chose if you want to pre-dream rock cake outside the dream Ability to chose at what HP value you start to rock cake Custom Idle Activities ✓ Random Camera Movements Random Tab Changes Random Mouse Clicks Ability to have mouse exit the screen whilst idle Custom Prayer settings ✓ Enable/Disable ‘Boost Prayers’ Defence: Thick Skin Rock Skin Steel Skin Strength: Burst of Strength Superhuman Strength Ultimate Strength Attack Clarity of Thought Improved Reflexes Incredible Reflexes Ranged: Sharp Eye Hawk Eye Eagle Eye Rigour Magic Mystic Will Mystic Lore Mystic Might Augury Others Piety Chivalry Enable/Disable Protect Prayers Protect From Melee Protect From Magic Protect From Missiles Informative Script UI ✓ Colour coded skills painted XP Gained Current XP/Hr Percentage till level Time till level Status display Customisable Stop/Break Handler ✓ Ability to stop the script at the following benchmarks: Stop randomly between 'x' and 'x' minutes of runtime. Stop randomly between 'x' and 'x' dreams completed. End dream by idling Enable/disable logout on exit. Ability to use a custom made break handler. Break random every 'x' and 'x' dreams completed. CLI Support ✓ -script "698:profile=Test hours_limit=10 dreams_limit=5" profile = saved profile name, if you've been using CLI to run the script, this will need to be updated to suit. hours_limit = Complete after 'x' run hours. dreams_limit = Complete after 'x' dreams completed Misc. Options ✓ Hop worlds between dreams Leave dreams at maximum points Ability to save/load multiple custom presets This is not a thread for asking for trials, as a whole, i don't offer trials for my script. Instead if encourage you to ask all the questions you have before purchasing any of my (or anyones) script to be sure the script does exactly what you would like it too. Please note, 1 purchase of FruityNMZ is a lifetime auth for as many accounts as you can run On OSBot, we do not limit the amount of instances you can run with a single script! If you'd like to purchase FruityZulrah using OSRS GP, SEND ME A PM and i can give you my current $$:GP Rates! Discord Community: https://discord.gg/WzXRk2bWTV Trial bot has been implemented (100 post count required if you're not VIP/Sponsor!) @fruityscripts on Discord!
  15. Drop your price checks below. 07GP (AND OR ) $
  16. This is going to be helpful lel ;)
  17. oh god no. Welp i know what ill be singing for next week or so >.>
  18. I used them alot in the past was legit then. but heard alot happen since :3
  19. Thank you! started to get an account started for barrows. many things happening!
  20. its "Drink" then overload i think tbh. action then item.
  21. UWOT M8 Tell that to my Mini Cheddars...They understand me......
  22. Gives me a reason to carry on thinking!
  23. Oooo gz on release! i bet it will be amazing!
  24. Hellos and Welcomes! Hellos first off reason behind the goal - Just always wanted 2Bill on RS3 (Don't even play on RS3 i play 07 but 2Bill RS3 is easier) How will i be doing this? At this moment in time...i'm not too sure my self but i'm sure i will think of something! What am i doing at the moment? 2 Days later and i have started progress! i am making an account to do barrows from a fresh. Wish me luck! will keep you posted of course :P How long do i think its going to take me? At this moment in time only just getting stats for barrows so I'm not too sure at the moment! Updates: Nothing yet!
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