Can you send me the logs when it banks everything? and is it buying 1 stam at a time or withdrawing?
If you press F2, it will output more information to the logs
Thank you for the update, are you alexs05429 on discord? Will look into it for you.
ETA: Invoke walking is broken in the OSBot client, fix is on its way
Morning, I had fallen asleep before you had replied to the pm, sent you a dm on discord with help on your setup.
ETA: an example of how I run the script inventory/equipment wise. I use stealth and invokes
That is very interesting, I've been unable to find the issue with the breakhandler and have had chats with Pat with possible problems but if this has indeed fixed it i can take a closer look at the world hopper
Currently, the price of rares at zulrah are the highest in a while, between 6-7m for fangs and 310gp ish for scales so GP/HR should be fairly decent at the min
Thank you for the report, i am currently looking into the breaks and hope to get a patch out shortly. It seem's the break handler only activates under certain conditions from my testing (starting the script logged out rather than in etc.)
Morning, my discord has a trial bot for people to use, as trials start as soon as they are added its best to add it when you're ready so there is no time lost
Hey, thank you for the report
Can chat on discord my channel is in my signature, @fruityscripts for my tag
You can find the logs using the bottoms located bottom right of the client and there is another button to copy them to your clipboard