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  1. M4A1-S | Atomic Alloy FN, offer me in 07 gp
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cV6JrUpD98&index=157 Beast af
  3. hajo007

    Fruity NMZ

    r u working on fixing the issue with the script not activating power-ups on the mirror client? Losing a couple thousand exp p/h Still a great script tho, keep it up!
  4. I would like a trial of Rock crabs I would like a trial because: Might buy afterwards
  5. 10h proggy http://gyazo.com/8171eedfdcc3a6ad0134103a74ca28fe Great scripts man
  6. "VIp is needed to f***** run multiple bots" im gettin sick of this error, dafuq am i doing wrong all fixes have been temporary ones ONLY, please look it up and get it fixed laz
  7. I tried that, didnt help at all, asked me to put in credit card info xd, i think that cinnamons fix should do it, ill be back in a few seconds. feel like a retard... did the exact same mistake last time too haha, ty for the quick answers guys, may lord be with you
  8. Recently bought a voucher worth 10$, i try to buy a script that has an opening cost of 9.99$, i add it to the cart and checkout. The page redirects me to paypal`? I dont have a paypal and dont need it to pay for the script, why does it popup? I cant use paypal since i dont have a Card to use. Any help?
  9. You just gotta accept the fact that this bot wont last longer than a few months, or even less.
  10. Both sides are fucked up and none of them cares, it's all about revenge and "Honour". Simply a corrupt world we live in.
  11. After almost 1 year on this bot i Salute and move on too another bot. R.I.P osbot 2013 - 2014
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