About to go from 95 to 97 or 99 strength in like 2-3 days LOL. Suicide botting because idgaf anymore. I want 97 to stake with, but considering how amazingly good this script is going and how much XP I get, why not get it to 99 just in case something happens to the script or nmz? But this is an amazing script. You can go out of town and come back to this script STILL running. Every time I come back to check on it, I expect it to be stuck or stopped like some other scripts I've used in the past, but this seems to be working flawlessly. Totally recommend it as of this post.
But the only thing that makes me a LITTLE worried about this script is how slow it eats the rock cake and drinks the absorption potions. Can you make it eat and drink faster? Like spam how a human does it and not take 1-2 seconds between clicks? Other than this, I think it's perfect and reliable.