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Everything posted by Nbacon

  1. You can click your profile and its called "CONTENT COUNT" or you can look between "Member's total reputation" and the full helm. Ps you have 25 post.
  2. You might just got unlucky? Don't think like that. You have to start somewhere.
  3. The Item id changes as you pick barries[ 23630 is no redberrys and 23627 for Cadava]
  4. I feel like those While loop are over kill and not need they will just lead to error. I wrote this code I hop it will help you There is 2 options 1 based off Explv's AIO banking code and the other just a basic loop type. ItemReqBanking x; @Override public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { x= new ItemReqBanking(getContext() ,new ItemReq("Super strength(4)", 1,7) ,new ItemReq("Super attack(4)",1, 7), new ItemReq("Super defense(4)",1, 7), new ItemReq("Torstol",1, 7)); } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if(!Banks.EDGEVILLE.contains(myPosition())) { goToBank(); }else if (getBank().isOpen()){ //the code I give //top if (x.souldbank()){ x.bank(); }else { bank.close(); } //bottom //or //top if (inventory.getAmount("Super strength(4)") < 1){ bank.withdraw("Super strength(4)", 7); }else if (inventory.getAmount("Super attack(4)") < 1){ bank.withdraw("Super attack(4)", 7); }else if (inventory.getAmount("Super defense(4)") < 1){ bank.withdraw("Super defense(4)", 7); }else if (inventory.getAmount("Torstol")< 1){ bank.withdraw("Torstol", 7); }else{ getBank().close(); } //bottom }else { if (inventory.getAmount("Super strength(4)") == 0 || inventory.getAmount("Super attack(4)") == 0 || inventory.getAmount("Super defense(4)") == 0 || inventory.getAmount("Torstol") == 0){ getBank().open(); }else { //mix potions } } return 1000; } public Script getContext() { return this; } code of ItemReqBanking (it is very mess and just hacky) http://www.mediafire.com/file/jjfg84fgsr8179y/file
  5. Hello Osbot, This is my 3rd large program that I want to make. I am doing a write up on my fuctional runtime programing bot and would like to release it in the near furture [hopefully before october] . Im find it realy hard to teach a whole programing language I have writen like a 20 page user manual. Its kinda like I made it and just hope people know how to use it too. [I have been rewriting it in koltin to parse many types of language like java, scheme, koltin it self , python and my own custum language baconScipt and that might be easier for the end user. Dont expect that in 2020. ] I have 5 hours in to this script and think Im about 80% done with the script . Just hope the last 80% does not take too long. Things I can do. pause/unpause scirpts Stop/Start Add/delete accounts Switch bots Start a new bot X out all panels or singals Cross plate form This is a video. I hope you find it impressive as I do, Goals A botting panel Support for larger scipts on the sdn like Khaleesi, Czar and others.(can only run no arg/no gui scripts at the moment) ???? @ProjectPact This is my new project
  6. I don't know were you are stuck but if you follow this for top to bottom it should help you out.(steps 1 and 3) * Make sure its in the sripts folder * (your question is to vague)
  7. If you want to make quick and fast gui. I would recomend Swing UI designer. I would would follow theseTutorial frist Then use Swing UI designer you can make some realy good lookin guis in it.
  8. The best Anit-ban Ive seen is not using the built in chat completer. It legit the only thing ive change that got me a noticable change in bans.
  9. The 200iq strat is to just run it 3 times.....
  10. So the bug in those 2 images is fish.Interact()/fish.hover(); will go to the top left most that item [ the reson Item(object) in osbot does not have a slot indicator in it ] Next thing after you under stand that you see this. Its spam clicking and there is not wait for them to drop so it "does all the green fish" by clicking 10 times on the frist few fish and then moves on to the pinkish fish.
  11. Hello Osplay. I think your looking for interact(int slot, java.lang.String... actions) Its under https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/util/ItemContainer.html private void dropFishFromTheInventory(int slotNumberOfTheInventory) throws InterruptedException { log(slotNumberOfTheInventory); Item fish = getInventory().getItemInSlot(slotNumberOfTheInventory); if(fish == null) return; if(getSettings().isShiftDropActive()) getKeyboard().pressKey(16); for (String fishName : SUPPORTED_FISHES) { if(fish.getName().contains(fishName)){ if (getSettings().isShiftDropActive()) { getInventory().hover(slotNumberOfTheInventory); getMouse().click(); } else{ getInventory(). interact(int slotNumberOfTheInventory, "drop") } while(getInventory().getItemInSlot(slotNumberOfTheInventory) != null){ waitReflex(1); } if(getSettings().isShiftDropActive()) getKeyboard().releaseKey(16); return; } } }
  12. hello opafmoremedic. Yes there is. [This is a common question that has been asked be for many times but don't let that discourage you for asking it] Look in to conditonal sleep and changing your random(200,300) a tic is 600 ms so up it to like (1000,1500). This same question about spaming trees (later in the post). TLDR; if( (!(myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isMoving() || tree == null) && tree.interact("Chop down")))){ Sleep.sleepUntil(()->myPlayer().isAnimating(),4000,300); } But Look at this there is alot of good info and a youtube video
  13. Thanks arbicrax172 for trying It out I know its not for everyone. I do agree with you. It is limited to bank skills or things you have the overthink to do.
  14. Way back in the day like 2012 I used JitBit for "botting" on rsps. I rember you could add conditionals like "is the pixal green" or "does this picture exist on screen" and if so mouse over it or run script. You most likely with the power of runelite make some basic bullet proof agilty/movement bot. Adding checks slows down the xp per hour though.
  15. P.S. also move/remove the exchangeContext(getBot()); so its in the right place.
  16. exchangeContext(getBot()); Is in script not the class itself. public class TopLevel extends Script { Grind grind; public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { grind = new Grind(); grind.exchangeContext(getBot()); grind.starter() ; ... } ... public class Grind extends MethodProvider{ ... public void starter() { inv = getInventory(); player = myPlayer(); bank = getBank(); } ...
  17. For some reason Finite and Modular dont realy mix for me. (Kmaps chace super faster when remove and adding terms) Ps (Just a a task system) in class you can do this just follow the koltin example public abstract class Activity{ public abstract void doSomething(); public abstract boolean isDone(); public abstract Activity next() }
  18. Hello, There are many ways of doing this. The Most Lazy Static Var of MethodProvider in Script public class TopLevel extends Script { public static MethodProvider methodProvider; public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { methodProvider =this; } .... Call it anywere with TopLevel.methodProvider Lazy way when you make a new class hand it the MethodProvider and store it in the class like so public class SomeClass{ final MethodProvider mp; public SomeClass(final MethodProvider mp){ this.mp = mp; } public void someMethod(){ mp.getBank().open(); } } The more "Professional" away were you extend MethodProvider and exchange Context. public class SomeClass extends MethodProvider { } public class TopLevel extends Script { MethodProvider something; public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { something = new SomeClass(); something.exchangeContext(getBot()); } ....
  19. Proxies and vpns would most likely get you banned faster. When I say it does not matter that you got ban. I realy mean it does not matter that you got ban last week or 3 years ago. You will catch a ban one day and you just move on. Don't bot on the mule and it will be 99% safe.
  20. Your IP is most likly not "flaged" after one ban. Ive had 10+ bans on my home ip. Accounts Last around 20-100 hours and thats normal. Proxies are for hardcore bot farms.
  21. These have not been "made" yet. Best pratice is to use getters and setters. But this will fix it. Inventory inventory ; Player player ; Bank bank; @Override public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { log("We are off"); inventory = getInventory(); player = myPlayer(); bank = getBank(); } Other Things I see. you dont need to say if ( bool == true) it is alreday true so you just if(bool) and you dont to say if(bool == false ) just say if( !bool) Also look into varbits and piotion oriented acctions. if 2 bots are on the same world this will break.
  22. Area area= new Area( 1,1,1,1).setPlane(2);
  23. This is not the place to sell account. As everone will point you need 100 post to sell accounts on the osbot fourm.
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