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  1. So I recently just got an account banned using a quester and it was a permanent ban. My main pking account has been caught botting once but the ban as expired and my ban meter is at 0. I want to get 92 mage on it, if I were to get caught stun alching would I get perm banned?
  2. Could I have trial?
  3. Can confirm just payed me back my 30m for the account recovery.
  4. https://gyazo.com/a2da834f85da3a18e28e802fb2b71a69 All quest done and house with tele alter and glory, barb fished up strength so it has maximum strength.
  5. DT and Grand Tree done in one day, DT on a level 51 without prayer! He did it all in a matter of hours, mad props and will be using him for the rest of my needs.
  6. Past accounts (if you know of any): @PST Current account: PST Reasoning: Payed him to do DT, got a majority of the value off my account but noticed he was kind of being fishy. Logged back in after I showered to find that he had sold all my items in the GE and traded them over. hidden https://gyazo.com/e885d497867d393ae67c3991504dc2ab https://gyazo.com/2c6bd2d9b8bbb54be9e70c5584b20370 Random wealth he sold on the account, I also paid him 7m for the quest to be done. He got around 10m from me. Please ban him before he can scam anyone else.
  7. Im mostly ust looking for DT done. Could careless about hp
  8. Buying a low level mage account with desert treasure done. Looking to turn it into an SOTD or a rusher! Can pay with Paypal, OSRS GP, or BTC. Trusted and Serious people on. Have plenty of money to spend and will pay generously.
  9. Appreciate it. Looking for one with 13 prayer.
  10. Looking for a well made gmaul rusher with quest completely done within levels of 52-65.
  11. Extremely surprised no one was implemented this.
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