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Everything posted by Polo

  1. Definitely will check out when it comes
  2. No combat stats whatsoever, just 44 runecrafting. Need a rough estimate since I might consider making some.
  3. That's the lowest buying price I've seen so far
  4. To shutdown your computer, go run cmd as administrator and type in "shutdown -s -t 18000" (This will shut down your computer in 5 hours. You can change it to whatever you want, as it counts in seconds) If you meant shutdown the bots, then use breaks
  5. ya thats how I got 55 slayer. Tbh I only did ghouls and shades and skipped vampires. Forgot about shades.
  6. Complete the quest but dont talk to drezel after. I made the mistake on my 15 pray gmaul pure and went in cause i wanted the accumulator, but I just skipped vampires and safespotted the ghouls near the gate to the swamp using fire strike
  7. Tbh it was most likely botted on all the way to 30
  8. splashing is 98% afk and a bit cheap, but it's 13k exp an hour, so you should do that while you're sleeping or out of the house. If you have lunars, you can string gold amulets, but you would lose quite a lot of money. Theres a calculator at https://rsbuddy.com/efficiency# tbh i would just splash while doing other stuff
  9. Probably because people can only afford VIP at the moment, but I'd buy sponsor if I have the funds
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