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Everything posted by Hernandez2000

  1. Ya I wouldn't do anything meaningful on them. If they were throw always to gold farm you could keep doing it but otherwise id trash them and use them for testing only.
  2. I macro and dont use a bot client but i'm assuming this theory still stands. I limit each session to around 2 hours, or sub 1 hour for 'high ban rate' activities like rooftop agil. And do several sessions per day, with gaps in between. My only ban ever was with my python fletching macro (alternate ahk) that I accidentally ran for like 6 hours overnight. I derped and set the loop amount wrong so that it went super long instead of around 2 hours. I then used it again on another character that had some membership time left and got to like 97 fletching no ban before its membership ended. so I'm assuming the macro is good and it was the session length. And it makes sense. Jag cant thoroughly scan every accounts actions for patterns etc. It would take too much processing power. But if an account is flagged as possibly a bot from a long session of repetitive action, it could be looked into more by stronger detection, and find patterns or something that decides your a bot.
  3. Look in the for sale section, theres code sellers
  4. What do you guys think of membership codes, do they effect ban rate at all or have any other issues? They are cheaper than VPN to mexico subbing or buying gold to bond. But my accounts I'm building arent throw always so I'd like to know if any of you play normally with membership codes. Thanks.
  5. I've always thought that once an acc is banned it gets detected more easily
  6. Also dont bot on an acc thats gotten a ban, scrap it and make a new one. If its gotten a ban before it will get detected way easier.
  7. I wouldn't worry too much about ban waves, my only ban was from accidentally running my fletch macro for 6 hours overnight (I normally do segments of 2 hours ish for everything) and I woke up to the ban. Could using fishy membership codes have increased ban chance? I feel like normal players dont use them haha.
  8. My thought is that they cant deep analyze every player online. It would take waaaaay too much processing power. So they only analyze accounts that are flagged. My only ban has been from when I was making a python fletch script and I accidentally ran it for like 6 hours overnight. I'm convinced I hit a point where the game was like, "ok this guy is sus, lets analyze him more" and then decided my random gen wait times and everything were fake. I've re used this same script again on a diff acc just to see if its a bad script or not and running reasonable amounts of time I've never gotten a ban. so I feel like my accoutns dont get flagged to the point of it looking into them more to notice any patters.
  9. I'm also quite interested in how this could effect ban rates. I do a lot of mouse recording, ahk bots, etc. Currently hardest to detect lowest ban rate things if done right in my opinion. but if they can now detect these things a lot is going to change. I'm wondering if anyone here who knows more about how this stuff works on the technical end has an input as to why or why not the change will matter.
  10. I bought a supposedly ban free proxy. Accounts got locked instantly. Google made me use captchas. Didnt even bother trying to use the accounts after unlocking. I dont recommend these for anything besides suicide botting with an auto unlocker.
  11. Edit- Got help from someone on discord. For any nubs with a similar issue, I forgot to make public class ExampleScript extend Script. Mods can delete if needed. Hey guys, hopefully someone can help. I'm trying to set up for development. Having issues. Override is getting red underlines. I'm a eh programmer and havent used java in a while but I'm noticing the top import is grey in that its not being used, also the method names are grey. Idk if this is actually related to the problem or not tho. I tried to follow the guide, and test code is from the skeleton tutorial in another thread. Thanks for any help.
  12. Thanks for the info guys. I know I don't super need a proxy, but my brother plays legit on our ip and I have a bunch of other acc's so I'd rather try and play it safe now that I'm dabbling with higher risk botting. I got a cheap proxy, if it sucks I'm only down a couple bucks, so we will see. Question tho. I'm having a hard time setting it up on my windows 10 vm. I want to set it up so my whole vm uses the proxy but I cant figure out how to have it work with the login details for the proxy? I cant seem to find any intelligent guides. I've found some stuff on using windows credentials but I cant get it to work right. I want to have my whole vm use the IP so that I can create my accounts on it. Any help would be welcome.
  13. Hey guys. I've been doing some proxy research now that I got a ban on my home ip but I've gotten some mixed info. So cheap proxies all seem to be datacenter proxies. How bad are these? I've heard that your acc usually gets locked. I'm going to try and slower long term make an acc, so lowest ban rate is my goal. For this would no proxy be better than the cheap ones? I'm more doing this as a hobby project so I'd rather not pay a good sum a month for a residential proxy, any cheap alternatives? How are the stupid vpn's like nord vpn. Tons of rs youtubers are sponsored by them, so you would think that theres a lot of players playing legit on them. Making it hard to tell whos a bot and whos not. Anyone tried these?
  14. It depends on youre definition of whats a bot. But it could also be a slightly advanced script. It used image detection to get item and bank locations, and detect the bank booth and bank x to make sure its not going to run around if the world lags (like if it cant see the bank is open it wont click to take stuff out), and it had some randomness functions to make it click around a certain point instead of same spot (so think anywhere on the knife instead of the same spot on the knife), and same for any wait functions. It would be a wait random range, with a chance to be longer to simulate going afk. Which idk if actually helped, it kidna just lowered my xp rate lol. Was for fletching but could do any bank standing task thats similar with minimal work to write a new bot script for it. I put time in to make it easy to make new task scripts using its functions, but idk if it was actually worth the time for that because if its ban rate isnt that good then no point haha. And sorry for double post idk how to get this to go on the other post. what sucks is I dont care about getting the ban that much, I just feel stupid for going too long because now idk if my python bot is a failed project or if I just went too long and would have got caught mouse recording too (which from my tests seems to be stupid low ban rate of done well).
  15. My mouse recording ones lasted to 99 alching and nmz, several acc's no bans. Those I always did like 1-2 hour sessions. This one was bank standing fletching. Lasted a few days, was like 88 fletching, started from low level. Was not a new acc. Ya this one was fletching. my mouse recording to 99 characters were nmz and alch. I thought fletching would have been one of the safer things but I guess not.
  16. So I actually made my own basic bot in python as an experiment to try vs mouse recording. It couldn't do anything overly flashy, just used pixel detection to see the items in the bank to get locations, and to check to make sure its not running around. Lots of random ranges and stuff so it doesnt always click the same spot and times. This acc was experimental and I only got a 1 day anyway. What bugs me is that I hit to let it go 5 like hours last night lol. Which I never did before. So now idk if my bot is bad and just got detected, or if it was because going 5 hours is way too overkill (I always do like 2 hour sessions, 10 hours a day tops). So I cant decide if my bot is just bad because it got a ban and I never have with mouse recording. But I've also never gone 5 hours 1 session, my others would be like 2-3. So idk. Nobody can know for sure but any thoughts? So my main Q's: Do you think my ban was because I went too long and overnight, both taboo? Now that I got a ban on my ip should I get a proxy to do any further testing on? (If my ip is flagged and makes ban rates higher its bad testing)
  17. So my 2 cents. My brothers friend plays rs over 10 hours a day. So to me bot time doesnt matter because theres real players who play more. I would only macro 8-10 hours a day. When my brothers friend is on all day, he looks more bot than me. The issue is new accs are more likely to get banned for botting, and flagged ip. So now mix the two and you have an easy explanation for why you got banned. Jagex has kinda proved that their detection doesnt really work that well. So all they have to go off is that your brand new acc is no lifing on a flagged ip. Prob a bot to them. cuz lets be real theres not much difference between a bot splashing and a player, theres virtually no input so theres no difference. I've always felt like differnet activities are easier/harder to detect. Like macro alching and nmz. They are so afk and done by so many people, how is jag going to tell the difference. Would need some really solid detection to tell the difference between a 1 hour recording and my brothers friend doing nmz for hours on end. And obviously if they can detect the bot client thats a problem. My points are all for undetectable client and methods that go over runelite and stuff. I always play my accounts for a couple days legit skilling quest req's and quests before macroing to get past the new acc window.
  18. I use the one on macrorecorder .com. You may need to adjust the recording settings to get it to not dick out and mess up double clicks and stuff, and you learn how to record with it properly. But it has the ability to go in and add lines of pixel detection and make other edits. So you can add checks so that if something goes wrong the script dies. So for bank standing for example, id just scroll through and every time I pressed spacebar I would paste my pixel detection line to check for the purple color of the banker. If the banker isnt there because I moved from lag or something it will kill the script so the next run I wont run around. And if theres any issues like it didnt record a click or something properly from clicking too fast I can just fix it. I've gotten several 99's multiple acc's no bans.
  19. Hey guys. I've had a lot of success lately with my mouse recording macros, and have kinda maxed all my pvp builds I care about. Because mouse recordings are too limited to do diaries (each diary has a req I cant find an ez way to macro lol, like rc) I decided instead to try some gp farming. So for this I need to make sure I dont screw up muling. So to my knowledge. Get 2 socks proxies. Mule acc is made and used on proxy 1. Bots are made and played on proxy 2. I can then give gold to mule from the bots and then give gold to my normal accounts relatively safely? Is it safe for me to give gold from my normal accs, to my mule, to my bots? I'd trying to not need to spend $ on gold to buy bonds and start doing stuff. Is a waste of money, I dont plan to sell gold, is just to multiply my bank now that I'm not macroing stats. My goal is to not overly suicide 2-4 macro bots. I'm trying to keep ban rate low ish but I expect some bans. Will 4 bots have a noticeable ban rate over 2? I plan to do bank standing money makers, 8+ hours a day on them. For combat and alching I've always done 8+ hours a day no bans but this is more accs that look like bots lol. How much do you guys find playtime prior helps? I've never gotten a ban but all my accs had some playtime before macroing (nmz req's ect usually take a few days). So I'm wondering if doing a bit of crab macroing or something to build up some time will help or if I should just get a few levels to not be level 3 and then go all in for gp. Any other tips? Thanks for any input guys.
  20. As expected, it depends. I mouse record bot on a windows vm, play them legit sometimes, my brother also plays on his acc, all same IP. I did research before and people told me I dont really need to worry about getting my brother banned or all my accs banned at once but its always possible. I havent gotten a ban yet so who knows. A big note is I'm not using any botting clients. I feel like if you use botting clients the ban system will be less kind. But I could be wrong. That being said if you are doing something even slightly risky on your bot I advise using a vpn or something to be on a different IP. Make a new acc on that IP and only bot it on that IP. And dont interact with it with your main so they are 100% disconnected. Rule one of botting is dont bot if you cant handle getting banned. So if you value your main I advise going all the way on safety. If you go all the way your main should be 99% safe. If you don't idk is outside of my experience.
  21. Ya my biggest worry is reporting, I feel like its a much bigger deal than long ago and prob isnt worth the risk anymore. maybe if I had a new alt to try it on. But I'm still tempted lol. I think mouse recording should work fine with the movement as long as I click to move, then dont click again until I'm done moving. It could get problematic if it ends up thinking I clicked on a diff square because I clicked near the edge or something but besides travel to the alter it should work ok. House tab spawns you on the same tile every time. Click stam pool in house will pathfind the same way. Click edge glory, which teleports to the same spot. Click banker. Grab more ess (I wouldnt use the ess bags that could get tricky). I think when you enter the alter you are in the same spot.
  22. Hey guys. I'm thinking about trying to do Rc on my 95% mouse recorder character. I usualyl just do NZM, Alching, and bank standing skills because they are super safe. But I'm thinking about trying RC. I think I need to do body runes, unless theres a better method for mouse recording? Body runes work because house and glory tele always put you in the same spots when you teleport so the recording wont get messed up. I dont know of any better ways. Has anyone done this? I've heard of it before but. If someone has recently done this for Rc and didnt get banned would be nice to know.
  23. I mouse record on runelite on my windows VM but sometimes play on openOsrs client and normal runelite on not my VM. No bans sofar. (Im not like goldfarming its just casually botting my own alts to max pvp builds, low banrate things like nmz and alching).
  24. My 2c, mouse record magic. Theres a ton of diff recorders, for alching its not important which one. I record 1k alchs. You can repeat that to 99. I do like 8 hours a day, just standing at the ge banker. I world hop every 2k or so in case some guy sees me standing there all day. Autoclicker takes less effort but making a 1 hour recording isnt much effort compared to manually getting 99.
  25. You may want to bot on a vpn and use a mule to transfer if you are trying to make sure ur main doesnt get banned.
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