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Everything posted by Zackaery

  1. Now that its a normie, go get 99 fm at wintertodt with all crates banked, then you can sell for $175
  2. I'd like to have wildcard support for Player, getPosition.
  3. I love my integers, and I'd love to do more with them. Can we get a feature too add/subtract/multiply/divide 2 integers and the result output goes to the 3rd? Example: integerA = 8 | integerB = 10000000 | integerC = NULL operationIntegerToNewInteger integerB, Divide (/), integerA == integerC integerC would return a value of 1250000
  4. I like you. Come join our discord. https://discord.gg/4QGUpm4J
  5. What are you attempting to remake? Its pretty cut and clear that it produces a script for osbot, and you can't move it to another client. If you can provide some insight on what you want to create, whether it's in pms or publicly, im sure we can get you the information needed to recreate it, or the missing method could potentially be added.
  6. No thankssss raids 3 though, yes.
  7. I will look into your issues in about 12 hours. If you have discord, sometimes its easier for me to respond quicker there. Feel free to join the server for faster response/help! https://discord.gg/veUEPsyP
  8. You need to be on lunar spellbook with rune pouch to use additional pouches.
  9. I'd like a check for detecting a current config value, then being able to detect if the config changes (dynamically). I don't want to have to input any values other than the config number, It would check the current config value, then when the config changes, it'll either set a boolean true or increase an integer.
  10. @AnimalMother Guardians of the Rift on Script Factory has been out since a week after release. There's a lot of great reviews, you should check it out! It's 100% free with Script Factory.
  11. Wait, so you want a bot that reports other bots for not replying to you
  12. Are you using script factory? You could create a simple cave horror script quite easily with Script Factory!
  13. Zackaery


    More information would help us figure out what you want...
  14. Are you running this in on a VPS? If so, often times the VPS can't handle the cpu usage of OSBot, which will cause these delays. There's nothing I can personally do for the script to alleviate those issues. I've had a few others report this same issue, and that was the cause. Running on home desktop fixed all of their issues. You may just need to upgrade to a better VPS that can support more cpu usage. RAM isn't the only thing that's important, unfortunately.
  15. Are you using pouches without NPC Contact? That could cause your issue. I've pushed a couple fixes to help circumvent that problem. Please bank all of your pouches, and let the script withdraw what it needs to in order to play. It'll withdraw pouches if it knows it can use them
  16. Hey there! OSRS Script Factory has a Guardians of the Rift script available right now! No extra cost! Check it out here: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/170279--guardians-of-the-rift/
  17. Changelog: * FIXED - Small pouch - Not using essence after emptying. * ADDED - All Abyssal lanterns now supported. * ADDED - Abyssal lantern (redwood log) - Will not use NPC Contact when equipped. * ADDED - Runecrafting capes & Max capes - Will not use NPC Contact when equipped. * ------------ * * ADDED - User Input support for selecting energy focusing. * --- Best XP | Catalytic | Elemental ---
  18. Changelog: * FULLY REVAMPED AND UPDATED * Created a new task based efficiency system. * ADDED - Custom Break Handler * ADDED - User Input support for dropping runes/banking runes/Break handler * ADDED - NPC Contact support for repairing pouches * ADDED - Depositing runes via Deposit pool * ADDED - Dragon pickaxe special support * ADDED - Elemental / Catalytic Prioritization * Fixed - pouches. ALL Pouches are supported. * Fixed - Agility essence location. Correctly identifies the location to mine Guardian fragments. * Fixed - "Game Ending bug". Correctly Identifies if it's currently in the middle of a game, and won't reset mid game. * Fixed - Entering game. Correctly waits until players have left, and enters/waits until available.
  19. Changelog: * FULLY REVAMPED AND UPDATED * Created a new task based efficiency system. * ADDED - Custom Break Handler * ADDED - User Input support for dropping runes/banking runes/Break handler * ADDED - NPC Contact support for repairing pouches * ADDED - Depositing runes via Deposit pool * ADDED - Dragon pickaxe special support * ADDED - Elemental / Catalytic Prioritization * Fixed - pouches. ALL Pouches are supported. * Fixed - Agility essence location. Correctly identifies the location to mine Guardian fragments. * Fixed - "Game Ending bug". Correctly Identifies if it's currently in the middle of a game, and won't reset mid game. * Fixed - Entering game. Correctly waits until players have left, and enters/waits until available.
  20. This script will play the Fishing Minigame, Fishing Trawler. Minigame Requirements: - Coins (If using Swamp paste method) - 15 Fishing Swamp Paste & Bailing Bucket: Want to use the swamp paste method? No problem! You can start the script with or without the Swamp paste & Bailing bucket, and it'll purchase it from the store nearby. Playing an Ironman? No problem! You can easily select what method you'd like to use, as well as the efficiency, so you're not using up a ton of swamp paste! Kraken Tentacle Chopping: Want to use the Kraken chopping method? No problem! You can start the script without an axe and hammer! The script will grab it from the minigame for you! Custom Break Handler: The custom break handler is equipped with Short, Medium, and Sleep breaks. These CAN be changed, by opening up the script and changing the values. Short break times: Bot 45 mins +/- 15 mins, Break 21 mins +/- 10.5 mins Medium break times: = Bot 60 mins +/- 30 mins, Break 43 mins +/- 17 mins Sleep break times: = Bot 8.5 hours +/- 1.5 hours, Break 9 hours +/- 1.5 hours Easily track how many breaks you've taken via the Variable Debugger. Check under the Integers! Obtaining The Angler Outfit: The script will check your bank for any pieces you may already have. After checking the bank, the script will track all new pieces you obtain! When obtaining a new piece, you'll receive a discord webhook message stating the piece you unlocked! When obtaining the full Angler Outfit, the script will notify you again that you have the full outfit, and then log you out! Inventory Management: Sets up your Inventory in a humanlike way, and keeps your tools organized. Equips any outfit pieces if you have the Fishing level to do so. World Hopping/Traversing to game: Are you in the middle of nowhere? Don't want to walk all the way to the minigame? No problem! Start the script anywhere in the world of Gielinor, the script will get your player to the correct location! Are you on the wrong world? No problem! Script will default to W370, the official Fishing Trawler world. MORE PROGRESS REPORTS COMING SOON! Download it for FREE on the Script Factory - Script Network! Don't have Script Factory? Check it out by clicking here!
  21. This script will play the Runecrafting Minigame, Guardians of the Rift. Minigame Requirements: - Any Pickaxe - 27 Runecrafting - Enter the Abyss miniquest - Rune Mysteries quest - Temple of the Eye quest Charging Cells: Obtains uncharged cells at the beginning of every game. When runecrafting you will turn these cells into Weak, Medium, Strong, & Overcharged cells. Depending on the current status of the game, the script will prioritize using the cells to aide you. The script will prioritize reinforcing/creating the barriers. Obtaining Guardian Fragments: When the game ends, your player will either go to the guardian parts/remains, or navigate to the large guardian remains. If your agility level is greater than or equal to 56, you'll gain Guardian fragments from the Large guardian remains. If your agility level is less than 56, you'll gain Guardian fragments from the Guardian parts/ Guardian remains. Obtaining Guardian Essence: When obtaining your first initial amount of Guardian fragments, the script will mine until 46 seconds are left, then attempt to start creating the essence. If a Huge guardian remains portal is located, the script will prioritize mining the remains for the essence, rather than creating them. Rune Pouch/Essence Pouch Support: Script will utilize the NPC Contact spell if available to fix any pouches that are damaged. If you're currently on the lunar spellbook, and your magic level is greater than or equal to 67, the script will check your bank for a Rune pouch. If one is found, it'll empty it and fill it with the required runes for NPC Contact spell. The script has full Essence pouch support for Small, Medium, Large, Giant, and Colossal pouches. When obtaining the Guardian essence, the script will fill the pouches in an efficient order, and continue to obtain more essence for max XP hour while runecrafting! Equipment/Gear support: Depending on the gear you have in your bank, the script will prioritize the following gear set up located here: Recommended Equipment Supports all pickaxes from Crystal -> Bronze. Runecrafting Altar Support: Prioritizes keeping your Elemental & Catalytic points balanced Enters Altars available to you based on your Runecrafting level Inventory Management: Sets up your Inventory in a humanlike way, and keeps your runes organized. Supports dropping lower tier runes if preferred, as well as, banking runes via the deposit pool if you'd like to keep them. Attempts to keep your Runecrafting XP Rate at the highest level possible while keeping your inventory clean and organized! World Hopping/Waiting for game: The script will look for a mass world, once found, it'll wait until the current game is completed. If a game is currently in progress, it'll wait outside, simulating an AFK playstyle until the game is over and you're able to join. MORE PROGRESS REPORTS COMING SOON! Download it for FREE on the Script Factory - Script Network! Don't have Script Factory? Check it out by clicking here!
  22. This script will complete the quest, Temple of the Eye. Quest Requirements: - Bucket of water - 10 Runecrafting - Enter the Abyss miniquest - Rune Mysteries quest The script has discord webhook support included. See below for an example. Auto logout failsafe if quest requirements are not met. Logout after quest is completed. Download it for FREE on the Script Factory - Script Network! Don't have Script Factory? Check it out by clicking here!
  23. Hey man! If you have Script Factory, I've released the Temple of the Eye quest, as well as, Guardians of the Rift minigame for free to the community!
  24. still looking to have this method added, my previous comment is innacurate.
  25. Just like mediaIDs, I'd like to have access to Widget, spriteIDs Methods: If Sprite ID is:
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