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  1. What's the strategy when submitting an appeal? Admitting to botting and that you will not do it again basically?
  2. I received a 2-day ban on my HCIM this morning. My plan was to bot the account's stats to a high enough level that I could breeze past early game content and start playing legit. So at this point I am satisfied with the stats as I've gotten two 99s and some other skills to the 80s. My main concern is if there is a possibility that the 2-day ban could turn into a permanent ban even if I play legit going forward? Is there anything to worry about there? Is it worth appealing the 2-day ban or is there no reason / just wait it out. FYI - I played on this account on my home IP and didn't use a proxy to bot. I am not looking to start a gold farm or anything. Thanks!
  3. I recently got back into osrs and wanted to reach certain levels in some skills before starting to play legit on a new ironman account. I used this from level 50 - 99FM over the course of 2 weeks. Hoping for no delayed banhammer, but this is a really great script and worked flawless for me!
  4. Used this from 10 - 65 for full graceful set on a new ironman acc over a week period, no issues in mirror mode! Thanks for a great script.
  5. Hey Czar - using ardy cape doesn't seem to work for me to teleport to monastery. Saw you had asked someone for the name of the teleport option a while back, not sure if it was provided to you. Screenshot below:
  6. Has anyone had success using this for blackjacking?
  7. Has gotten multiple accounts full graceful and 70+ agility. Ran it a few nights ago with high alch enabled for the first time on one account and woke up next morning to a temp 2-day ban.
  8. Biscayne


    Worked on first attempt - received 1 day ban following morning.
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