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Ray Reddington

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  1. https://osbot.org/forum/profile/243329-vevion/ the above left me negative feedback because I did not sell him an account? I don’t believe this is grounds to leave negative feedback.
  2. I’ll do for 95m (7.5gp/xp) + supplies. Using absorb method to save you money on prayer pots.
  3. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/158634-1-week-auction-ends-10720201900-total-maxed-main-ds2-completed-83-slayer-20-accounts-sold/
  4. Thieving - 165m combo of blackjack/Ardy knights 1-99 con - 240m - we can calculate supplies together 32-99 crafting - 190m - we can calc supplies together based on which method you choose hunter- I don’t do hunter sorry
  5. I have 2 60/60/60 nmz ready accounts ready for sale if you’re interested then can pay someone pretty cheaply to service/quest them to dragon slayer
  6. On mobile it’s not that even when you click someone’s profile. You use to be able to see the feedback by going to said profile and see feedback
  7. Still can’t see my feedback/vouches or anyone else’s. Was it moved to a different spot? @Maldesto
  8. I’ll do all the skills for you for 45m + supplies for smithing - is my discord
  9. It seems to have fixed since I posted this. But the feedback is still not showing https://imgur.com/a/7VkJ7ao
  10. It’s back now but it wasn’t seems like everything’s out of place though. Like it’s bugged in some ways
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