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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Jarl

  1. Yes, you should be able to find your task from the dialogue. Not too sure if it is a widget or dialogue, but you can definitely get the text and look for the monsters. You probably could find your task with configs too.
  2. Yes, it is possible. Any library should be able to be used with osbot but you may find that some permissions wouldn't be allowed so some things don't work.
  3. Reinstall java 8, then redownload osbot. Then try opening osbot again. Also try running osbot as admin.
  4. Most likely you are not building your jar properly. Check your artifacts
  5. OVH is good but somewhat pricey for the purpose of botting. It's considered cheap and good for it's network/ddos protection and insanely cheap IPs. If you want even cheaper, look for something like contabo/netcup/hetzner.
  6. I can't comment on how many accounts to run per proxy, but I must say datacenter proxies aren't necessarily bad. If the provider isn't big enough and their ASN isn't recognized as datacenter, it's okay. If you can register runescape accounts and don't get captchas on google with the proxy, you're probably fine.
  7. Though I agree VPN isn't good for botting, I can't recommend proxies as there's no way to tell if they are clean/dedicated or not. To connect via vnc when on a vpn, you can google "ssh into a server on vpn connection". The issue is packets are routed through the vpn so usually people add iptable rules so you don't route traffic through the vpn when connecting with your own ip.
  8. Imo, it has little to do with the geolocation of the proxies. I think jagex is likely flagging IPs based on the ASN, basically they can check who's announcing the IPs and based on that they can flag IPs. Some IPs are clearly recognizable datacenter IPs, while some are not. However, I think datacenter IPs are okay as long as they are not dirt cheap (which leads to bad reputation and abuse -- if too many people on the same subnet bot runescape then something's off with that whole block of IP)
  9. It's possible the IPs are already configured so try to login via ssh to the other IPs. If not, you can either google "add additional ip linux server" (or windows) or ask your host to configure the IPs for you.
  10. You probably could use those IPs, but you might be paying quite a lot for those IPs unknowingly. Also I think it's odd that you have 33 usable IPs which is not a normal allocation. Outside of ovh, IPv4s all cost at minimum $1/monthly per IP and I have never seen anyone offer more than 5 IPs for free.
  11. Yes, they are bad proxies. You probably could manage to still make accounts with those proxies, but is it really worth it?
  12. It looks like you are compiling your jar with java 9. Try to add this to your pom <properties> <maven.compiler.target>1.8</maven.compiler.target> <maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source> </properties> And compile using maven and see if you still get the same error. If you don't get the same error, then that confirms you compiled using the wrong version. To stick with maven, you may need to use a plugin to include all dependencies though. (Note that the jar won't be in the same directory as when you build directly on intellij unless you set the path)
  13. Cloud is almost like a marketing term which makes the price tag slightly higher. Well, cloud can still be affordable but big names like gcp definitely charge more than less well-known providers. I haven't compared prices directly but I'm pretty sure clouds like hetzner/scaleway are cheaper. Heck, even those more known ones like digitalocean/vultr/linode are probably cheaper.
  14. Try copying your code properly. What you have here won't even compile. You were supposed to set energy threshold to something higher than 100 eg. 101
  15. Actually, I see threads talking about the same issue every other week. Most likely, you got more permissions in debug mode so it worked in debug mode. Running osbot with reflection allowed should work.
  16. Please refer to this thread: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/164541-how-do-you-handle-asyncthreads/
  17. You can multithread but it seems there's not much utility in multithreading and the bot isn't really designed for multithreading so you will have to implement many things yourself to multithread yourself. Some things work asynchronously by default like onpaint and camera functions if I am not wrong. You can either start threads or make osbot events and run them asynchronously. Generally, you extend methodprovider for the methods and import classes for the functionality you need. The main class extends script which gives you the methods. Just like any other library you would need to import stuff.
  18. I highly recommend reading this guide: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/115124-explvs-scripting-101/
  19. I did say to google low end vps, but that's the wrong place to look. That particular site has lots of shitty hosts that close up quick/provide shitty service. You would have to look through those low end forums for better deals/hosts. That said, you might still get a deal that's too good to be true on lowendbox. The downside could be that the host might disappear anytime. Or something's being oversold really hard. Also, take note that swap ram on openvz virtualization is NOT ram. And that openvz tends to be very oversold and isn't good for running java. (Seems like lowendbox has many openvz offers)
  20. Just to add on, you should pay attention to weapons with different styles/xp types. Eg. abyssal whip You would think an attack style like "slash" would always give you the same xp, bur that's not the case. Also, configs can help you check what spell you are autocasting. (You would need widgets to select spells though)
  21. There's various reasons why this could have happened. The most likely reason is memory ballooning. Simply put, they oversell too much ram and there isn't enough ram for everyone. There's so many other possibilities but I couldn't say for sure as I don't use contabo. But compare what you're getting at contabo versus the other guy who advertised his sale thread here. I would say contabo is good value. Maybe you can ask to be swapped to a newer node with epyc cpu and ask them to lift i/o limits. (They do this for free) Or just run a few less bots until you stop shutting down. If you want even better value, you would have to keep up with the vps market or go with dedicated. But $12 monthly to run 2 bots is a bit too pricy.
  22. Well, you could get those free trial credits at many different vps providers as a new customer. You don't need many resources to run 2 accounts. You would need 2 GB of ram and 1 core is probably fine, but if you are constantly maxing the 1 core, many vps providers will be unhappy. Contabo seems to provide very good value when you run many bots at once. For just 2 bots, though... You will have to look around for a good deal. You would have to google for low end vps. Or you could just go with hetzner which is quite good value, though not quite as good value as contabo.
  23. I agree, I think it's better to not check if interaction is successful. This way, you won't always open items in the perfect order every time.
  24. This guy makes videos advertising "alpha/beta" bots that are outright scams and even makes accounts and pretend to be bots. I honestly think he gets a nice commissions from those scammers on top of youtube ad revenue.
  25. If you visited the url in your screenshot, the very first sentence you see is this: You need to have Java 8 installed on your machine If you don't use java for anything else, just go ahead and uninstall every version of java and install only java 8.
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