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  1. Awesome, thanks for clarification. Been running great, you do really great work. Thank you!
  2. OH GREAT AND MIGHTY KHAL WE THANK YOU. Question: I noticed there is no remove option on priority list of runes, so I'm curious if I put the rune low on priority list does it ignore it? and if it doesn't ignore it could we possibly get a way to remove rune options? like maybe I just want to do chaos, death, nature, law and ignore the rest. Would this be doable or is this already implemented with the priority list? Thanks in advance, looking great so far!
  3. tried it just now, we're up and running. thank you.
  4. it has not, tried to launch just now. i was unaware SDN was having issues at all, still no log info tried to launch several times. others scripts work fine just this one seems to be the odd one out currently.
  5. this script won't launch for me? stealth injection, logger doesn't even show it attempting to launch. i click to launch script and then it just locks my mouse input and never loads. reinstalled osbot and refreshed scripts just going through the basics. won't launch
  6. it still loops setting up and updated bank. not sure why.
  7. fresh account, just bonded and took it to GE and copied exact inv and went to launch and it goes into bank and loops setting up- updated bank
  8. i get all items in inv, have cash in bank. fresh account with bond. just gets stuck at "buying items" for dorics quest but i have them all? what am i missing? can someone assist? [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 06:27:37 PM]: "blasting" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 06:27:37 PM]: Initializing CLI... [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 06:27:37 PM]: "cli_mode" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 06:27:37 PM]: "ss_dorics_quest" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 06:27:37 PM]: "ss_knights_sword" changed to "1" [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 06:27:37 PM]: "ss_raise_smithing" changed to "1" this is where it stops in log
  9. hello, could i get a trial if possible please? thank you
  10. agreed, totally fine with buying another script if thats what it takes.
  11. profit, theres some money to be made in making raw pies and summer pies when they go up and i also hate piecing together pies.
  12. curious, i purchased the script would you be able to add in the ability to piece together food like raw summer pies? or is it just too aids and not worth?
  13. coolio, cant wait for kourend tele!
  14. loving the script, the kourend tele isnt working for me it just opens the spell book and sits?
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