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  1. thang

    Fruity NMZ

    i got my main hand Saradomin sword equiped, how do i put my off hand to granite maul? or do you still need to update that
  2. thang

    Fruity NMZ

    does it have a special attack option too? like using a Saradomin sword + granite maul for he special attacks like on Advertising other bots isn't allowed.. that it wil look for the power surge and equip granite maul for the special attacks.
  3. i want to buy voucher, how much mill per 1 os credit? also if i want to add you on Skype i see 10 realistgold so i dont know who to add
  4. thang

    Hello can i have a trail of 24h of pest control ?

  5. Can i have a trail of this one? Might buying this one too if it works.
  6. thang


    can i still buy your premium script with rs gp or you dont do that methode anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Czar


      Update coming up, will add update v21 to the script very shortly. Also, any error logs in the osbot console? 

    3. thang


      No none error logs, only problem is running after npc and after standing still and if i choose stay at the knight it stil the chase  npc, because the problem is that i have select npc i want to attack and because of that it will chase the npc that i've chosen. Maybe you could just set up the option that he stays at the knight and attack only the npc that spawns at the knight, even if the npc follows another person you should let it ignore the npc and run back to the center.

      I can't wait for your update! Also just bought your fishing script so i will try that out too.


    4. Czar


      yeah there already is that option, did you enable it? the option is called 'Stay centre' in the defend knight mode :D 

      if the option was enabled and the script still attacked outside the knight zone then confirm it, I will do some more test runs

  7. hello can i buy with rs gp too? i saw the voucher option but it doesnt work anymore. can you contact me pls? and also can i try the 24h trail?
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