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  1. Would have tested it if I didn't already had 99 fishing
  2. I can do this for 4m My discord is blackjackcrack#5181
  3. These are the stats Like i said in the titel Dt (desert treasure) has a couple pieces of the pyromancer set
  4. Well this explains everything haha ty No way realy???????? I will do the thing where i hit the thing real gud
  5. Like the titel says i would love to get some obby mauler tips
  6. Maybe make some low lvl gmaulers i think they would sell better tnen just 80 range
  7. 60-70m?? For that seems kinda high lel
  8. How much would this be worth Quest only animal magentism and a couple other easy ones done 33 quest points total (I know you need 100 post to sell accounts but i would like to price check anyway)
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