This bot works perfectly for hill giants, but for some reason it can’t bank at the chaos druid tower. Walking path 1 and 3 cant walk to the bank and path 2 can’t picklock into the tower.
I ran this bot Straight out of the tut and it worked well. It ran for a few days got to level 43 did the hawk quest. The next day i was banned. First ban on the ip. I never ran it for more then 4 hours a day. I wouldnt use the quests if i was you.
Got me from 1-40 in about 6 hours with high alching. It did the different courses perfectly with no issues. Ill let you know if I get banned but it worked very good imo.
While doing lobsters in karjama is does 2-3 banks then for some reason it opens the door into the prison in port samin climbs up the ladder and sits there. Im running with the mirror client and on a f2p with the treasure quest done. It does it every time I try and run the bot