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Everything posted by beefcharm

  1. trial please? i liked!
  2. doesnt work at all for me just runs to the bank and closes and opens it forever. thats all this script does for me
  3. Is it possible to get a retrial? Didn't get to fully use it since i was having that issue. If not its fine i understand.
  4. Just noticed when a random event pops up it logged itself out. Maybe that's the cause?
  5. yup still logs out when idle and no agro, doesnt run back often to reset
  6. Hey so while this trial is running, I see a very critical bug where the script would just stand idle after a agro wears off and it wont run away and come back. Since its idle, i get logged out and when that happens it doesnt log back in, not that it suppose to log out anyways. It happens almost every 15 minutes for me or whenever agro wears off at the sand crabs.
  7. Hey! I would love a trial for the sand crabs, did everything asked!
  8. can i use this to get from 1 to 99
  9. Can i do this with my 1 def pure still? After i get to wave 62 i just emable the script right? using range toxic blow pipe
  10. Im sorry, i just seen this and didnt get a chance to test out the script! Any possible way to get a retrial? If not its fine!
  11. May i have a trial please!
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