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zerk setup

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Everything posted by zerk setup

  1. I dont see wealthy citizens on the script
  2. Hey, Can I get a trial please?
  3. Can I get a trial please? Thank you
  4. It doesn't let me deselect repair pouches option and I dont have any abyssal pearls so the script won't start. Please help!
  5. Does this work on ironman accounts? Will it still build the account from level 3? Also does the script get you killed at any point because im a hcim.
  6. Very good script but keep getting banned using it
  7. Does this have mm1 tunnel chinning?
  8. broken script bruh it presses the option to fish then walks away then clicks on the fishign spot again then walks away again and does it for however long that fishing spot lasts.
  9. hey mate can i get a trial ?
  10. hey man very interested in purchasing this bot, may i have a trial?
  11. Hello does this support lure fishing at barbarian fishing and does it support barbarian fishing for leaping trouts and salmons and stuff ?
  12. All it does it drop the food for u... you can’t go afk with it lmao
  13. Bruh why would u not have the script support fly fishing at barb village it’s one of the most popular fishing methods ?
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