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Everything posted by mrdukesilver

  1. Script says that I have a token already so it can't create a token, how can I find my already created token? @Malcolm thanks in advance.
  2. Hey! , tysm for responding, can u tell me how can I use this in my code, could you kindly provide me an example pls?
  3. So I have made a very beginner script but it did the job until I wanted to add world hopping. Each time my code is executing, the script doesn't wait for the world hopping to take place, it just opens the world hopping menu and goes to trade once again. I tried adding sleeps too after "worldHop1" but it only made the world hopping take this amount of time and still didn't even hop afterwards, just trades again. I would really appreciate it if someone can help me regarding this! Here is the part of my script that I am talking about: @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { isReadyToTrade(); trade(); sleep(3000); Buy(); sleep(3000); ExitStore(); sleep(5000); checkInventory(); sleep(3000); worldHop1(); return 0; } public void worldHop1(){ getWorlds().hop(308); }
  4. Request Template: - Script name: Khal tutorial island - trial length: ~2 days if possible or 1 day is fine too - Reason for trial: Want to buy the script for my farm soon and would love to try it first - Are you ging to give feedback on the script?: Absolutely! Thanks
  5. is there a way that I can try this script?, would love to try it
  6. Hi, are trials still available? if yes then i would love to try this script out, thanks in advance!
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