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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Joseph

  1. you should use an enum for accessing similar datas of different types. The enum allows us to pre-define data. Then we create getter methods to help us grab the type of data we need. All you need to do is return the select enum variable. With that variable you can grab whatever data you need
  2. tbh i didnt like any of those answers. Maybe except for the condition sleep. Personally i would just use a timer. And a simple boolean check to weather it should interaction or keep waiting. private long waitTimer = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (player animtaing) { restart timer } else if (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.waitTimer > 3000){ start interaction } edit: if you dont understand how to make the timer concept. Here a simple timer class. Its been passed around for ages public class Timer { private long period; private long start; public Timer(long period) { this.period = period; this.start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public long getElapsed() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start; } public long getRemaining() { return this.period - this.getElapsed(); } public boolean isRunning() { return this.getElapsed() <= this.period; } public void setPeriod(long period) { this.period = period; } public void reset() { this.start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public static String format(long milliSeconds) { long secs = milliSeconds / 1000L; return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", new Object[] { Long.valueOf(secs / 3600L), Long.valueOf(secs % 3600L/ 60L), Long.valueOf(secs % 60L) }); } }
  3. send him a pm itss better
  4. i guess we all can see it. that fire only :P
  5. Hearing that it's all pvp doesn't really sound good to me. Why would I like to die 2 times before even playing that's sounds retarted
  6. Joseph


    Lol I'm being lazy too about it. On Friday I'm going to work on it until Sunday and see how much I can get done. I will be talking about it in the my thread
  7. Joseph


    Ty I made it That's a bummer liverare
  8. Charge someone a dollar lol. I'll pay you a dollar and a logo
  9. You got the ore boolean which works. But the other two methods you are using them wrong. The furnace and bank booth are entitys. You should rather compare the distance between you and the entity that you are Looking for. Use this same logic.
  10. Use both because without one you can't make what you need. I say make a boolean that check both supplies. And use that as one of the conditions.
  11. I'm a little confused, after you load the entitys and select the ones you want. What do you save? You should use eclipse windowbuilder. By the way nice util. I myself have one, divine utility. I want to let you know that jList returns a list of selected items. Meaning that you could select 2 or more entitys and be able to add/remove them at once. Only if you use a for loop when adding/removing. I would also like the idea if you were able to switch btw npc and rs2objec. Also I'm a pro with windowbuilder so if you need help . GL on rank
  12. The famous lines, who wants to test it out?
  13. if you split the string it will be harder for him to find what he wants. @op http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_string_replace.htm
  14. get the substring of the string. then convert the string into an int http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_string_substring.htm
  15. nope. also there are different types of Message.Type
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